Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Consider the representation of women in James Bond films
Since 1962, when the primary film was created, an aggregate of 22 James Bond films have been made. The James Bond establishment has become incredibly mainstream and notable everywhere throughout the world. Albeit each film is extraordinary in its own specific manner and the storyline varies from film to film, there are sure nonexclusive highlights that have become things the crowd perceives and hopes to discover in all Bond films. These highlights incorporate firearm battles, vehicle pursues (typically including an Aston Martin), extraordinary areas, contraptions, miscreants and last, however positively not least, young ladies. These things make up a sort of ‘Bond mixed drink' that the crowd of these movies has come to adore and that has made these movies as effective as they may be. Umberto Eco depicted the Bond account as, ‘a arrangement of proceeds onward a chess board, with characters playing out their standard capacities. ‘ This alludes to how the Bond films all have comparable pieces or fixings and they each have a section to play to make up this ‘Bond mixed drink' like how chess pieces all have various moves they can make. One of the most significant of those conventional highlights is the Bond young ladies. Bond young ladies additionally have certain standards that the crowd anticipates that them should satisfy in the movies and they have gotten well known for. The implications of the term Bond young ladies are regularly appealing, alluring and explicitly accessible, particularly to Bond. Notwithstanding, Bond is regularly observed to utilize the ladies as toys for his pleasure that he frequently lays down with and afterward disposes of. They are consistently depicted as requiring Bond's assurance and acting in an extremely detached and compliant way towards Bond. In any case, it is far from being obviously true regarding whether this isn't the situation with all ladies in Bond movies and a few people accept that some Bond ladies are freed and they use Bond themselves as opposed to it being the other path round. The meaning of freed is ‘not limited by conventional or sexual jobs' and for this to apply to the female characters in Bond films they would need to abstain from satisfying their customary jobs in the movies. The conventional job of ladies would be as housewives that stay at home and do household undertakings while the men go out to work. In sexual terms ladies would generally get hitched and settle down and just have sexual relations with one man. A major customary job of ladies is that they are underdog to men and men are increasingly predominant and have control over ladies. Two Bond films where ladies play extremely huge parts and are exhibited in various manners are, ‘Goldfinger' and ‘The World Is Not Enough'. Goldfinger was first screened in 1964 and was one of the main Bond films delivered; when crowds were simply being acquainted with the ‘Bond mixed drink' and all the more explicitly, Bond young ladies. The story follows Bond as he attempts to ruin the plans of the reprobate Goldfinger who intends to pollute all the gold in Fort Knox so his own gold increments significantly in esteem. This would seriously harm the world economy and Bond needs to prevent Goldfinger from exploding an atomic bomb so as to spare the gold. One of the principle ladies in this film is Pussy Galore; she is a pilot utilized by Goldfinger that is over and over given the activity of accompanying and dealing with Bond, before exchanging sides, with Bond's impact, and assisting with halting Goldfinger. The other two ladies that play significant parts in the film are sisters, Jill and Tilly Masterson. Jill at first works for Goldfinger, before meeting with Bond and afterward being murdered by Goldfinger as discipline. Following this, Tilly endeavors to kill Goldfinger for retribution; anyway she gets associated with Bond in the process before additionally being slaughtered by Goldfinger's partner in crime, Oddjob. ‘The World Is Not Enough' was discharged right around 40 years after the fact in 1999, which means it was focused on an increasingly present day crowd and this is obvious all through the film. The storyline is like that of ‘Goldfinger', as a scoundrel (this time a man called Renard) is endeavoring to explode a stretch of oil pipe line with an atomic bomb, which means the main flexibly of oil can come through one pipeline. This pipeline is possessed by Elektra King who is at first intended to be blameless and under Bond's insurance until it is uncovered she is working with Renard. Bond at that point faces the assignment of halting the bomb with the assistance of an atomic physicist called Dr. Christmas Jones. Aside from Christmas and Elektra there is one other lady that has a major job in the film and that is M (head of MI6); which appears differently in relation to ‘Goldfinger' in which M was a man. In the 1960's the jobs of ladies were changing a great deal. During the Second World War ladies had been allowed the chance to proceed to do â€Å"men's†occupations in industrial facilities as the men were abroad battling the war. After this ladies started to draw nearer to uniformity with men and they began to have their own opportunity. They were not, at this point just housewives that were substandard compared to men and this disposition proceeded into the 1960's. In Goldfinger this is noticeable on the grounds that the ladies in Pussy Galore's flying carnival are pilots, which is a serious troublesome and convoluted occupation. In any case, there are likewise parts of this film show that ladies might not have arrived at complete correspondence with men yet, as a portion of the female characters seem powerless both truly and intellectually and are kept separate from significant occasions. Woman's rights is tied in with perceiving the requirement for ladies to have correspondence with men and women's activists work to make that fairness. In history there have been three significant rushes of woman's rights and one of those occurred soon after the Second World War, proceeding up until the beginning of the 60's. This flood in ladies crusading for correspondence worked close by the way that ladies had substantiated themselves in men's employments during the war and, albeit a few men loathed it, ladies made an extremely huge advance towards full fairness with men. In the 1990's, perspectives towards ladies had changed much more and were fundamentally the same as today. Ladies had equity with men and could basically carry out any responsibility that would have before been viewed as work only for men. This is appeared in ‘The World Is Not Enough' where Dr. Christmas Jones is an atomic physicist which is an incredibly difficult activity and she should be astute to do it. In any case, a portion of the Bond young ladies in the film despite everything appear to simply be utilized as sexual items by Bond and this would recommend they are not completely freed regardless of arriving at equity with men. Two key pieces of both the movies are the initial credits. In ‘Goldfinger' pictures from the film are anticipated onto the body of a lady, who is painted in gold, utilizing multi-layering. The implications of gold are things like valuable and imaginatively satisfying and this could be an allegorical image for ladies, as the young lady is still and extremely uninvolved so she gives off an impression of being something to be taken a gander at and acknowledged outwardly. Gold is additionally a high worth product that can be purchased and sold and this could likewise represent ladies being practically similar to assets that men can possess and that they can be purchased and exchanged. Nonetheless, the ladies is likewise wearing a two-piece, which was an in vogue thing of dress in the 60's and could be worn just to underline that the lady is to be taken a gander at in light of the fact that it is a noteworthy garment. However, this could likewise show the freedom of ladies since it shows the more liberal disposition of the 60's that permitted ladies to be increasingly open and free explicitly. The initial credits in ‘The World Is Not Enough' vary marginally from those in ‘Goldfinger' as there is currently more than one young lady and they are shrouded in oil as opposed to gold. This shows the film is increasingly present day, as oil is most likely now as, if not progressively, important than gold and this implies it has indistinguishable sort of meanings from gold; it is over the top expensive and valuable. In any case, these titles complexity to those in ‘Goldfinger' in light of the fact that the ladies are significantly increasingly dynamic and are moving, yet they are moving in a serious provocative manner which could mean the crowd is being welcome to take a gander at them and respect them, which is like ‘Goldfinger'. The young ladies are additionally totally stripped which speaks to how ladies have become considerably more explicitly freed since ‘Goldfinger' and bareness had gotten progressively worthy with the crowd. A significant piece of the titles in ‘The World Is Not Enough' is the tune and all the more explicitly the verses. Initially, the tune is sung by a lady and the eminent verse is, ‘We realize when to kiss, we realize when to slaughter. ‘ This proposes ladies are brilliant and underhanded and can be executioners simply as they can be sweethearts, which conflicts with the conventional thought that they are loving and maternal and not brutal by any means. This could likewise be straightforwardly connected to the character of Elektra King who utilizes her body all through the film to lure men to get her own particular manner and is additionally engaged with her dad's homicide toward the beginning. In ‘Goldfinger', the main female character we meet is an artist. She is very appealing and sparsely clad, which demonstrates she is dressed to be taken a gander at and to engage the men she is moving for. This is appeared by a high edge camera shot that at first chooses her among the men and they are for the most part seeing her body. At the point when Bond is addressing his companion he investigates at the artist and says, ‘I have some incomplete business to take care of. ‘ This is very harsh in light of the fact that he isn't alluding to her as an individual, which additionally proposes she doesn't mean especially to him. The word ‘business' is particularly significant here in light of the fact that he is somewhat saying she resembles work that he needs to finish and that's it. At the point when he at that point goes to see her she is at first exposed in the shower and there is a camera shot of her without any protection, this shows she is defenseless and Bond has the force in the circumstance since he is completely dressed and remaining over her. At that point when she goes to kiss Bond he coincidentally jabs
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business Ethics Reflection Essay
In any association laborers can confront moral predicaments. On a day by day essential individuals are presented with moral situations and need to choose to settling on the right or an inappropriate decision. Some may not understand yet we settle on moral work decisions now and again and may not understand it. For example you are late to work and they have just been given a last admonition. At the point when we come in nobody is there to see that you are late. Do you get in and begin functioning as though you were on schedule, or do you check in where your time will be reported and recorded that you were late. This circumstance is one that my kindred associates face on day by day nuts and bolts. I have seen that when presented with this moral decision they decide to do what is right for them, not really what is right by the association. We may check whether as covering our own behind, yet it really damages ones business morals. What some may not understand is that business morals and individual qualities reflect each other intently. In business they ask equivalent to society, no lying, taking or cheating. Assume liability and do what is right, settle on the right choice. The main inquiry is who do you settle on the right choice for, you or the organization. In that circumstance most have decide to pay special mind to self. At the point when it comes down to settling on moral decisions that may put one self in danger individuals picked themselves over the business. This is when individual qualities may become possibly the most important factor. To do address by whom, yourself or the organization that you work for? In most close to home estimation one would state to consistently pay special mind to self first. So in their book the choice to not tell anybody that they were late does only that. Moral ideas are fundamentally the same as qualities, its one inborn capacity to do what is right with in. The equivalent is with ethicalness, Virtue-based moral speculations place less accentuation on which rules individuals ought to follow and rather center around helping individuals grow great character qualities (Cline). There are numerous outer weights that could have affected the choice to cover ones behind and not tell anybody that they were late, for example, the current prudent status. In the event that the nation isn't doing great financially and individuals think that its difficult to acquire a great job inside a sensible measure of time. At that point one would resistant decide to abuse business morals. Other outside weights could be their current budgetary state. Individuals that are in superior to average money related positions or are monetarily steady. I could keep on posting other outer circumstances that could influence a person’s capacity to make what they may see as the right business choice refrain the best good choice for one self. Whenever set in a comparative circumstance I would decide to pay special mind to self. At the point when I consider my bringing and what I was instructed I was constantly educated to do what is best for me and my family. Despite who might be influenced, ensuring that my family was constantly dealt with started things out. Despite the fact that it may not be the best decision for all included, it is the best for me and mine. At the point that I am in life I settle on my choice shrewdly. I first consider who will be influenced by the decision that I make. On the off chance that I would decide to tell that I was late and face being ended and that would put my family in danger for some monetary shakiness. I realize that numerous decision that we are compelled to make in our business life can be untrustworthy with regards to work. In any case, in our own life they are viewed as moral just as ethically right decisions. With regards to choices they will never be what is best for all. All individuals in the gathering need to settle on the decision that is best for them. Righteousness, worth and good ideas are what individuals decide to live by to assist them with managing them in their own and expert lives.
Friday, August 14, 2020
How Genes Influence Child Development
How Genes Influence Child Development Theories Developmental Psychology Print How Genes Influence Child Development By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on August 18, 2019 Thanasis Zovoilis / Getty Images More in Theories Developmental Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology What determines how a child develops? While it is impossible to account for each and every influence that contributes to who a child eventually becomes, what researchers can do is look at some of the most apparent factors. These include things such as genetics, parenting, experiences, friends, family, education, and relationships. By understanding the role that these factors play, researchers are better able to identify how such influences contribute to development. Think of these influences as building blocks. While most people tend to have the same basic building blocks, these components can be put together in an infinite number of ways. Consider your own overall personality. How much of who you are today was shaped by your genetic background, and how much is a result of your lifetime of experiences? This question has puzzled philosophers, psychologists, and educators for hundreds of years and is frequently referred to as the nature versus nurture debate. Are we the result of nature (our genetic background) or nurture (our environment)? Today, most researchers agree that child development involves a complex interaction of both nature and nurture. While some aspects of development may be strongly influenced by biology, environmental influences may also play a role. For example, the timing of when the onset of puberty occurs is largely the results of heredity, but environmental factors such as nutrition can also have an effect. From the earliest moments of life, the interaction of heredity and the environment works to shape who children are and who they will become. While the genetic instructions a child inherits from his parents may set out a road map for development, the environment can impact how these directions are expressed, shaped or event silenced. The complex interaction of nature and nurture does not just occur at certain moments or at certain periods of time; it is persistent and lifelong. In this article, well take a closer look at how biological influences help shape child development. Well learn more about how our experiences interact with genetics and learn about some of the genetic disorders that can have an impact on child psychology and development. The Earliest Period of Child Development At its very beginning, the development of a child starts when the male reproductive cell, or sperm, penetrates the protective outer membrane of the female reproductive cell, or ovum. The sperm and ovum each contain chromosomes that act as a blueprint for human life. The genes contained in these chromosomes are made up of a chemical structure known as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that contains the genetic code, or instructions, that make up all life. Except for the sperm and ova, all cells in the body contain 46 chromosomes. As you might guess, the sperm and ova each contain only contain 23 chromosomes. This ensures that when the two cells meet, the resulting new organism has the correct 46 chromosomes. How Environment Influences Gene Expression So how exactly do the genetic instructions passed down from both parents influence how a child develops and the traits they will have? In order to fully understand this, it is important to first distinguish between a childs genetic inheritance and the actual expression of those genes. A genotype refers to all of the genes that a person has inherited. A phenotype is how these genes are actually expressed. The phenotype can include physical traits, such as height and color or the eyes, as well as nonphysical traits such as shyness and extroversion. While your genotype may represent a blueprint for how children grow up, the way that these building blocks are put together determines how these genes will be expressed. Think of it as a bit like building a house. The same blueprint can result in a range of different homes that look quite similar but have important differences based on the material and color choices used during construction. Factors That Influence How Genes Are Expressed Whether or not a gene is expressed depends on two different things: the interaction of the gene with other genes and the continual interaction between the genotype and the environment. Genetic Interactions: Genes can sometimes contain conflicting information, and in most cases, one gene will win the battle for dominance. Some genes act in an additive way. For example, if a child has one tall parent and one short parent, the child may end up splitting the difference by being of average height. In other cases, some genes follow a dominant-recessive pattern. Eye color is one example of dominant-recessive genes at work. The gene for brown eyes is dominant and the gene for blue eyes is recessive. If one parent hands down a dominant brown eye gene while the other parent hands down a recessive blue eye gene, the dominant gene will win out and the child will have brown eyes.Gene-Environment Interactions: The environment a child is exposed to both in utero and throughout the rest of his or her life can also impact how genes are expressed. For example, exposure to harmful drugs while in utero can have a dramatic impact on later child development. Height is a good example of a genetic trait that can be influenced by environmental factors. While a childs genetic code may provide instructions for tallness, the expression of this height might be suppressed if the child has poor nutrition or chronic illness. Genetic Abnormalities Genetic instructions are not infallible and can go off track at times. Sometimes when a sperm or ovum is formed, the number of chromosomes may divide unevenly, causing the organism to have more or less than the normal 23 chromosomes. When one of these abnormal cells joins with a normal cell, the resulting zygote will have an uneven number of chromosomes. Researchers suggest that as many as half of all zygotes that form have more or less than 23 chromosomes, but most of these are spontaneously aborted and never develop into a full-term baby. In some cases, babies are born with an abnormal number of chromosomes. In every case, the result is some type of syndrome with a set of distinguishing characteristics. Abnormalities of the Sex Chromosomes The vast majority of newborns, both boys and girls, have at least one X chromosome. In some cases, about 1 in every 500 births, children are born with either a missing X chromosome or an additional sex chromosome. Klinefelter syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and Turner syndrome are all examples of abnormalities involving the sex chromosomes. Kleinfelters syndrome is caused by an extra X chromosome and is characterized by a lack of development of the secondary sex characteristics and as well as learning disabilities. Fragile X syndrome is caused when part of the X chromosome is attached to the other chromosomes by such a thin string of molecules that it seems in danger of breaking off. It can affect both males and females, but the impact can vary. Some with Fragile X show few if any signs, while others develop mild to severe mental retardation. Turner syndrome occurs when only one sex chromosome (the X chromosome) is present. It affects only females and can result in short stature, a webbed neck and a lack of secondary sex characteristics. Psychological impairments associated with Turner syndrome include learning disabilities and difficulty recognizing emotions conveyed through facial expressions. Down Syndrome The most common type of chromosomal disorder is known as trisomy 21, or Down syndrome. In this case, the child has three chromosomes at the site of the 21st chromosomes instead of the normal two. Down syndrome is characterized by facial characteristics including a round face, slanted eyes, and a thick tongue. Individuals with Down syndrome may also face other physical problems including heart defects and hearing problems. Nearly all individuals with Down syndrome experience some type of intellectual impairment, but the exact severity can vary dramatically. Final Thoughts Clearly, genetics have an enormous influence on how a child develops. However, it is important to remember that genetics is just one piece of the intricate puzzle that makes up a childs life. Environmental variables including parenting, culture, education, and social relationships also play a vital role.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Crime And The Criminal Justice System - 1511 Words
Since the beginning of civilized society there has always been a need to have a system in place in order to ensure that the laws of the land are followed by all. This system, today, is called the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is very important in serving the individual needs and society’s needs by making individuals feel safe and secure and by fulfilling societal requirements of punishing that criminal element that infringes on those needs of individuals. The role that the criminal justice professional is vital when it comes to ensuring that individual and societal needs are being met which will in fact keep a certain amount of balance within the system itself. Keeping the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of society is a juggling act in which society has a demand for punishment and the individual has a demand for a sense of security. There are several key issues that contribute to the need for a criminal justice practitioner. The first issue is crime. Crime effects both the individual and society at the same time. As crime goes up the individual will feel less safe which will then reflect negatively as a society that has failed. The criminal justice practitioner that can directly effect this issue is the police officer/force. Their role in society is to catch criminals and prevent crimes. When this is done successfully the individual will feel safe and secure which will directly reflect upon the society thoseShow MoreRelatedCrime And Crime : The Criminal Justice System Essay1520 Words  | 7 Pagesanalyzed various aspects of crime and criminality. Through continued study and ongoing research, criminologists have developed various theories as per the causes of different types of crime, whether or not some individuals are predisposed to certain types of criminal activity, legal processes of the criminal justice system, and how criminal offenders are processed. 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However, the crime television shows that people view on a daily basis is extremely different from the actual Criminal Justice system, especially homicide investigationsRead MoreCrime System And Criminal Justice System Essay1399 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The criminal justice system has evolved on the decades. From initially being constituted by the victim to eventually becoming constituted by written laws. There have been several changes made within the justice system, so in the following I will discuss my perspectives of the researched information and the noted changes of a system that was created by the people for the people. Topic I – Victim Justice System vs. Criminal Justice System A. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Project Guidelines Free Essays
APPENDIX A: FILM REVIEW PROJECT GUIDELINES (General) I. Select an Appropriate Topic A. Relevant and Appropriate: Check the following websites for ideas: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Guidelines or any similar topic only for you Order Now http://www. sampsoncc. edu/staff/pwolf 2. http://www. apa. org/monitor B. Be Specific: Narrow general topics down! C. Researchable: Search http://www. nclive. org for â€Å"hits†II. Title page A. Title of Project B. Date C. Student’s Name D. Course Number E. Abstract (1-paragraph summary) III. Text or Body A. Five (5) Full Pages, typed (double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font) B. APA Text Note Documentation Required! (Get help on my website! C. Review the Film: Informatively describe the disorder/issue â€Å"raised†in the film. D. Apply appropriate Psychological 1. Theories (Psychodynamic, Behavioral, etc. ) 2. Studies (case/experimental/correlational, etc. ) IV. Bibliography A. MINIMUM 5References 1. May use an encyclopedia a. Use only a specialized encyclopedia (i. e. psychiatry, psychology, etc. ) b. Avoid general ones (i. e. Wikipedia, World Book, Britannica, etc. ) 2. May use a textbook a. Abnormal Psychology b. Psychiatric Nursing 3. USE at least tw o or three of the following: a. Magazine, journal and/or newspaper articles b. Interviews c. Valid Internet sources, i. e. http://www. nclive. org http://www. ask. com B. List Sources in Alphabetical Order, by author’s last name (APA Style) C. Include Complete Bibliographic Information SPECIAL NOTES: . * Late projects will be subject to a 10 point per day penalty! * Late projects must be HAND DELIVERED to Mr. Wolf in his office, by the student. *Search for APA Text Note and Reference Page examples on my website: http://www. sampsoncc. edu/staff/wolf *Additional assistance available through SCC Student Support Services (Turoring) Appendix B: Detailed Project Guidelines: Abnormal Psychology Film Review [pic] In addition to their sheer entertainment value, popular movies often depict psychological disorders. There is certainly no shortage of â€Å"Abnormal Psychology movies†available for viewing; however, many provide inaccurate portrayals of psychological behaviors, traits and disorders. This often leads to the public at large having a distorted view of what Psychopathology is or how Clinical Psychologists work. Remember from General Psychology, a major part of becoming a â€Å"critical thinker†is becoming a critical consumer of popular information. Your mission in this assignment is to choose a film with an abnormal psychological theme or issue, research the theme or issue portrayed in the film, and then carefully analyze how well or accurately you believe the movie presented the theme to the viewing audience. Instructions: 1. Choose a movie from the attached list. I have indicated which are available from the SCC Library. The remainder may be rented from Netflix, a local video store or perhaps borrowed from a friend or family member. 2. View the movie at least once). Even if you have seen the movie previously, watch it again. You will need to pay very close attention to hat is being portrayed and you should probably take some notes. They will come in handy later, as you write your paper. 3. Write a reaction/research paper using the following guidelines: a. In an opening paragraph (or two), summarize the plot of the movie. Remember, this is a summation; I don’t need a description of every scene. b. Find three to five int ernet articles that deal with the specific type of psychological disorder/issue portrayed in the movie (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Aversive Therapy, Insanity Defense, etc. ) and then write at least three pages on what you have learned from your internet research. You may also use your textbook as one of your sources, if you wish. Make sure to cite your sources in APA style, in the body of your paper and on your reference page. (See my website for examples) c. In the final portion of your paper, you will analyze (based upon your www. nclive. org internet research) how well you think the movie portrayed its abnormal psychological theme. You will do this by addressing the following questions: How did the depiction of __________ in the film compare to what you learned in doing your research? Do you believe the film to be of educational value to the general public regarding its psychological content? Was the subject matter treated in a humorous manner? If so, do you think this took away from the seriousness of the psychological disorder being depicted in the film (or did it help by making a serious point without â€Å"blowing the audience away†)? Which specific scenes (if any) in the film provided particular insight into the psychological disorder/issue being portrayed? Did you learn anything of value from viewing the film? (If so, what? ) Was the film entertaining to watch? Would you recommend the film to others? Why or why not? 4. Papers will be submitted, in class, on the assigned date. There will be a ten-point per day late penalty for papers turned in after that date. Papers are to be submitted in a two pocket report folder. In the left side pocket, place the internet articles used in your research. In the right side pocket, place your paper, which will include a title page, abstract page, text or body of report (5p), and reference page. 5. Papers should be word-processed in MS Word, double-spaced, using a 12-point Times New Roman font and should be at least eight (8) total pages in length if the directions, indicated above, are followed completely. The first section (see 3-a above) and last section (see 3-c above) of your paper will be your own words/opinion and will require no reference citations. HOWEVER, YOU WILL NEED TO CITE YOUR REFERENCES, APA STYLE, IN THE THREE PAGES OF RESEARCH (see 3-b above) WRITTEN FROM YOUR INTERNET SOURCES. NOT DOING SO WILL BE CONSIDERED PLAGIARISM AND WILL SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE YOUR PAPER’S GRADE!! 6. Papers will be graded based upon the following rubric: * Following directions (length, font, double-spacing, etc. ) 5pts. * Cover Sheet 5pts. * Abstract 5pts. * Film summation 10pts. * Research portion 50pts. Analysis of film 20pts. * Reference page 5pts. Total:100 7. Guidelines for APA-style (citations, abstract, reference page, etc. ) are attached. Further examples can be found on my website: http://www. sampsoncc. edu/staff/wolf 8. Films not included on the attached list may be used, BUT ONLY WITH PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE INSTRUCTOR. In preparing a paper in APA style, the following general gu idelines should be followed. †¢ Font Selection Font size should be 12 points, with Times Roman being preferred. †¢ Line Spacing Double-space everything: title page, abstract, paper, and reference list. Margins and Indentations Leave one-inch margins at the left, right, top, and bottom of each page. Indent paragraphs five spaces using the â€Å"Tab†feature. †¢ Page Header The page header consists of a brief version of the paper’s title (usually 2 or 3 words), followed by five spaces and then a page number. Starting with the title page, it appears in the upper-right corner of each page of your paper, including the reference page. Use the â€Å"Header†feature of your word-processing program to insert the header information. I. Title Page (or Cover sheet) (page 1) Name Title of Project PSY 281-0A Date II. Abstract Page The abstract follows the title page/cover sheet (it is page 2 of your paper) and is a one- paragraph summary of the content of your paper. The abstract should be no longer than 120 words. Because it is a summary of your project, it should be written after your paper is complete. Guidelines: Two lines below the page header, type the word, Abstract, and center it. Two lines below that, begin the paragraph, which should be unindented and double-spaced. III. Text (or Body) of Paper The text of your paper begins on page 3. The page header appears on the top line. Two spaces below that, center the title. Two spaces below the title, the paper begins. Five pages, minimum, with text notes when citing research. IV. Reference Page The list of references used comes at the end of your paper and begins on a new page, continuing the numbers from the text of your paper. Two spaces below the page header, center the word, References. Two spaces below that, begin the first reference entry. The entries should be entered alphabetically by the author’s last name. If the author’s name is not given, alphabetize by the first major word of the title of the source, omitting A, An, or The. Each entry should start at the left margin; additional lines for that entry should be indented 5 spaces from the left margin. The reference page should be double- spaced. There are NUMEROUS sources on the internet for APA-style papers (besides my web site). One very good one is: http://owl. english. purdue. edu/handouts/research/r_apa. html Parenthetical Citation The APA system of citing sources indicates the author’s last name and the date, in parentheses, within the text of your paper. A. A typical citation consists of the author’s name and the year of publication. Example: Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor, 1990). Use the last name only in both first and subsequent citations, except when there is more than one author with the same last name. In that case, use the last name and the first initial. B. If the author is named in the text of your paper, only the year is cited. Example: According to Irene Taylor (1990), the personalities of Charlotte and Emily. . C. If both the name of the author and the date are used in the text, parenthetical reference is not necessary. Example: In a 1989 article, Gould explains Darwin’s most successful. . . D. When the reference is to a work by two authors, cite both names each time the reference appears. Example: This theory often has been used to explore patters of various insect mating (Alcock Thornhill, 1983). â₠¬â€œOR- Alcock and Thornhill (1983) also demonstrate †¦ E. When the reference is to a work by three to five authors, cite all the authors the first time the reference appears. After that, use the first author’s last name followed by et al. (Which means â€Å"and others†). Example: This pattern has long plagued the internal politics of college administration in Texas (Douglas et al. , 1997). F. When the reference is to a film, begin with the director’s name followed by the year of the film’s release. Example: (Speilberg, 1989) G. When the reference is to a work by a corporate author, use the name of the organization as the author. Example: Retired officers retain access to all of the university’s educational and recreational facilities (Columbia University, 1987). How to cite Project Guidelines, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Consumer Behavior Activities and Decision
Question: Discuss about the Consumer Behavior Activities and Decision. Answer: Introduction Consumer behavior refers to activities or the decision of buyers in purchasing any goods or services (Rani 2014). There are various factors affecting the buyers behavior of the, wherein demographic trends has a huge contribution in shaping the behavior. In this regard, demographics make a description of a population in terms of size, structure and distribution in which demographic trends defined as the change in consumers preferences based on others purchasing behavior. Consumer behavior is largely affected by the demographic trends directly and by other related attributes such as personal values or styles of decision among others (Hawkins 2010). Therefore, it is stated that demographics feature plays a pivotal role in improving buying decision process of consumers. Parallel to the change in products availability and adoption of strategic priorities by companies, it is also evident that the development of demographic factors has influenced the buying pattern of consumers and the perf ormance of the society in business process. In this regard, certain factors such as age, gender, income have came into sight as good forecaster of consumer behavior and other market issues (VilÄ ekov Sabo 2013). Therefore, the paper intends to conduct an in-depth analysis to describe the affects that might face by major industries such as entertainment, fitness and food chain due to the demographic trends. In accordance with the paper objective, certain demographic trends has been selected and elaborated through the following subsections. Effects of the demographic trends on Industries Present Longer Life Span of Senior Citizen In the recent decades, the growing interests on fitness among senior citizens can be seen for which the senior citizens are spending a quite amount in keeping themselves fit with the growing age. Hence, the gym operators and fitness clubs are generating good profits due to such behavior of consumers. In addition, the fitness market has also now understood that higher profitability can be generated in the business by encouraging senior citizens towards healthy life style and maintain a better living standards (Campbell 2003). Since the senior citizen have comparatively lesser responsibilities for which they mostly prefer to watch TV, as it is found that 46% of this group watches TV (Nielsen 2015). Therefore, it can be stated that the entertainment companies have huge opportunity in enhancing profitability and revenue to attract this group by offering various types of programs and on demand movies. Netflix, a renowned entertainment company, has understood the stated fact and provided online DVD rental services that have attracted huge numbers of customers (Pearson 2006). On the other hand, concerning the restaurant business, it is apparent that spending on quality food has been a priority for senior citizen, as 54% of the group is willing to pay more for higher quality products and services (Nielsen 2015). Baby Boomers Generation are Approaching Retirement, but with Money The gym and fitness centers have attained healthy growth over the past few years. Increasing health conscious among people has played a major role in attracting consumers towards gym memberships. The baby boomers generation has moved to retirement along with more time and money to spend in gym and fitness centers. This demographic trend has improved the performance of the fitness sector, as their target market has focused towards the baby boomers as well. Therefore, membership of baby boomers has made a positive impact on the growth of gym and fitness centers (Kratzman, Stamford 2002). On the other hand, Netflix, Stan and Presto have also gained popularity among the baby boomers, as watching television programs on device is one of the popular methods of getting entertainment for this generation. With the money in hand to spend, the generation has contributed immensely in developing the business of Pay TV (Mason 2015). Spending power of this generation also have huge impact on the restaurant as well, wherein flavor is considered to be the most important factor to enjoy in restaurant along with better quality (FONA International 2014). Therefore, restaurants have currently concentrated to implement differentiate strategies to include wide ranges of tastes in their menu to attract the target customers (White 2013). Generation X with A Growing Family Household and a Huge Mortgage Generation X has helped to enhance the performance of the fitness industry along with high profitability and market preferences. This particular group has influenced the gym and fitness centers through number of permutations. The fitness pros of the generation have always attempted to share information, due to which personal training has become the driving force of the industry (Vogel 2011). However, concentrating on the entertainment industry, it is evident that the household net worth of generation X has declined between the year 2005 and 2010 due to which they were stuck in huge mortgage. Therefore, the generation X contributed comparatively lesser attention towards the pay TV player such as Netflix (Briody 2012). While on the other hand, the food chain businesses have enjoyed huge benefits by the generation, as around 75% of the generation is eager to pay for the healthier food (Nielsen 2015). Majority of disposable income is spent by this generation in restaurants, which has increased the popularity of the restaurant business as well (Gordon Food Service 2016). Present Smaller Family Unit and More "Single Adult" Households Generation Y is considered to be the most heath conscious population. The fitness sector has gain high revenue within the past few years with the development of aspiration shoppers such as generation Y, who believes in displaying high-end taste. To maintain social status, this group spend huge amount in enhancing fitness and healthy life style. According to the report presented by the IBIS World (2012), the revenue of personal trainer sector has risen up to 1.4% in 2012, which clearly indicates the contribution of this generation in improving financial capability. It is evident that this generation has grown up with internet and mobile communications for which they prefer digital stations such as Netflix to get the entertainment (Ouye 2011). Thus, it can be stated that the business of pay TV such as Netflix has grown with the inclusion of the generation Y, as its customers. The generation Y visit restaurants double the rate of generation X, which has become a major part of their life style (Thompson 2012). Other Important Demographic Trends Effecting Industries Age and Life Style People nowadays try to get involved in variety of physical activities to keep them fit and aligned with the current trends. Children engage in exercise for fun and foster. Fitness and gym centers have become popular in different types of age group and life style. These centers facilitate variety of physical activities for people to meet the fitness need. With the changing the life style, people are also attracted towards gym and fitness clubs. Thus, fitness centers have included latest technology for providing better physical exercise experience to consumers. This industry has improved its business by creating enjoyable and convenient environment for all age groups people (John Wiley Sons 2007). Digitalization has made the life comfortable for people, which also changed the living standards of people. Hence, the major players of Pay TV have able to grab the attention of customers through the digital media. With better network services, the consumption of such players has risen acros s the globe. People has brought changes in the lifestyle with the advancement in technology and heading towards more convenient way of experiencing movies and shows through digital media (Ernst Young 2011). In the similar context, visiting restaurants has become a major part in the lifestyle of people to enjoy quality services and food along with standard environment. Hence, the business of restaurants develops for engaging more people to expand their target arena (Holroyd Elliott 2010). Increase in Household Income Better income level can influence the health of a person, as people with low household income unable to gain the opportunity to improve their heath through physical activities or high quality living standards. The gyms and fitness centers are widened by people with healthy household income (Woolf, et al 2015). The revenue of fitness and gym centers has increased with the involvement of more people (Woolf, et al 2015). On the other hand, concerning the entertainment industry, increased in household income has simultaneously increased the demand of Netflix and other services. People have understood the impact of on demand TV as compared to the traditional TV (LRG 2014). In the similar context, majority of the restaurant industry profit generates from the people with higher household income level. People having good household income tend to spend time and money in visiting restaurants. Thus, increase in household income plays an important role in growth of the business specifically entertainment, food-chain and fitness (National Restaurant Association 2014). Conclusion Demographic trends play an important role in consumer behavior. Changes in demographic factors affect the buying decision of consumers. There are three major industries including fitness, restaurant and pay TV, which can have significant impact from different types of demographic trends. It is evident that the senior citizens and baby boomers huge contribution in boosting the fitness industry, restaurant business and Pay TV as well. In addition to this, the Generation X also assists in flourishing the business of fitness, but due to recession interest, the pay TV has comparatively less developed. The most energetic along with enough time and money, Generation Y has added benefits to all three industries. Age and lifestyle, increases in household income are some important demographic trends, which make a serious impact on the fitness, pay TV and restaurant business. References Briody, B 2012, Actually It Is Generation X That Suffered Most from the Recession, Business Insider, viewed 02 September 2016 Campbell, D 2003, Fitness Is the New Bingo as Oaps Hit the Gym, Home, viewed 02 September 2016 FONA International 2014, Baby boomers: A boom to your business, Trend Insight Report, pp. 1-8. Gordon Food Service 2016, Gen X and the Dining Experience, Idea centre, viewed 02 September 2016 Hawkins 2010, Consumer Behavior 11E (Sie) With Cd, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, United States of America. Holroyd, J, Elliott, C 2010, Canadas restaurant industry putting jobs and economic growth on the menu, Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association, pp.1-12. Ernst Young 2011, How organizations must adapt to changing consumer behavior, The Digitization of Everything, pp. 1-16. IBIS world 2012, Fitness Industries Pump up Revenue, Media centre, viewed 02 September 2016 John Wiley Sons 2007, Exercise as a form of physical activity, Fitness Choices, pp. 371-412. Kratzman, V, A Stamford , P 2002, Fitness industry drivers, Us Fitness Industry Market Overview And Entry Strategies, pp. 1-140. LRG 2014, Thirteenth annual Study, On-Demand TV 2014: A Nationwide Study on VOD and DVRs, pp.1-1. Mason, M 2015, Documents, Deloitte Study Shows Aussies Watching More TV, But In Different Ways, pp. 1-2. National Restaurant Association 2014. The restaurant industry is a powerhouse in the U.S. economy, Restaurant Industry Forecast, pp. 1-50. Nielsen 2015, How we live, eat, play, work and save for our futures, Global Generational Lifestyles, pp. 1-18. Ouye, J, A 2011, Five trends that are dramatically changing work and the workplace, Knoll Workplace Research, pp. 1-14. Pearson 2006, Designing a competitive business model and building a solid strategic plan, Building The Business Plan: Beginning Considerations, pp. 83-121. Rani, P 2014, Factors influencing consumer behaviour, International Journal Of Current Research And Academic Review, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 52-61. Thompson, C 2012, Young people eat and drink out more, Companies, viewed 02 September 2016 VilÄ ekov, L Sabo, M 2013, The influence of demographic factors on attitudes toward brands and brand buying behavior of Slovak consumers, International Journal of Education and Research, vol. 1, no.11, pp.1-10. Vogel, A 2011, Generation X: From Slackers to Stars, the Future of Fitness, Articles, viewed 02 September 2016 White, M, C 2013, Restaurants rethink menus to woo baby boomers, Business, pp. 1-4. Woolf, S, H, et al 2015, How are income and wealth linked to health and longevity?, Income And Health Initiative: Brief One, pp. 1-21.
Friday, March 27, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird who are the people that Sco Essay Example For Students
To Kill a Mockingbird: who are the people that Sco Essay ut comes to understand as a result of following Atticus addive?You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.Who are the people Scout comes to understand as a result of following Atticus advice?To Kill a MockingbirdTo Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, explores different themes and contains many important lessons. One of these lessons is empathy and understanding which is introduced to the main character through Atticus Finch who says You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. By following Atticus advice, Scout begins to understand many different characters such as her brother Jem, Miss Caroline Fisher and Arthur Boo Radley. Upon going to school for the first time, Scout has a few misunderstandings with her teacher Miss Caroline Fisher. Instead of going back to school and facing the problem, Scout w ould rather hide from it and not return to school again. and she said you taught me all wrong, so we cant ever read any more, ever. Please dont send me back, please sir (pg. 33) Atticus response was to tell Scout that running away from the problem is not an option. He then gives her some helpful advice. We will write a custom essay on To Kill a Mockingbird: who are the people that Sco specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now .. if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, youll get along better with all kinds of folks consider things from his point of view climb into his skin'(pg, 33). By now looking at the days events with a different view, Scout begins to understand that Miss Caroline Fisher really didnt mean any harm in any of the things she did. but if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes, wed have seen it was an honest mistake on her part. We could not expect her to learn all Maycombs ways in one day, and we could not hold her responsible when she knew no better. (pg. 33) This proves that this piece of advice from her father is very useful, and she used it again the next time there was a misunderstanding, this time with her brother Jem. After Jems traumatic experience of going back to the Radley house, alone at two oclock in the morning he stayed silent and moody for a week. Rather than trying to get Jem to talk to her, or play with her, Scout uses the advice that Atticus gave her. I tried to clim b into Jems skin and walk around in it: if I had gone alone to the Radley place at two in the morning, my funeral would have been held the next day. So I left Jem alone and tried not to bother him (pg. 64) this proves, that again Scout better understands others well, by using the advice given to her. This growth and change in character continues on through the novel and is demonstrated further in the meeting of Arthur Boo Radley. Towards the end of the story, Scout empathises and understands Boo Radley, a character whom she previously feared and avoided all her life. I had never seen our neighbourhood from this angle'(pg. 307) this new view of her world at the end of the novel, symbolised the revolution and growth she experienced, all with the unforgettable words of her father Atticus was righthe said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough. This act of courage and open-mindedness reveals how gre atly Scout had developed and matured throughout the story. This final chapter in the novel described her understanding of Boo, although the mythical fear of him still lingered with those who could not understand. .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd , .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .postImageUrl , .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd , .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:hover , .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:visited , .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:active { border:0!important; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:active , .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc01dc989eb503baee7da20c1353f88cd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: ENGLISH: TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE EssayUnlike many citizens of Maycomb, Scout grew and matured a lot throughout the course of the book. She learnt and developed many skills that were useful to her in all situations. The most prominent and moral of these was to see peoples point of view, before labelling them with a prejudicial facade. Through leaning from Atticus advice she began to better understand her surrounding characters such as: Miss Caroline Fisher, Jem Finch and Boo Radley. As a result Scout became empathetic and she gained an important insight into life which helped her to become a better person.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Shakespeares Ultimate Valentines Day Poem
Shakespeares Ultimate Valentines Day Poem Are you looking for the most romantic Valentine’s Day poem ever? Then look no further than Shakespeare’s greatest, most heart-tingling sonnet. It’s perfect for a Valentine’s Day poem! We are of course talking about Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? ... considered by many to be the greatest love poem ever written. Sonnet 18: The Ultimate Valentines Day Poem The sonnet’s reputation is well deserved because of Shakespeare’s ability to capture the essence of love so cleanly and succinctly in only 14 lines. He compares his lover to a beautiful summer’s day and realizes that while summer days may fade and fall into Autumn, his love is eternal. It will last all year round – year in, year out – hence the famous opening lines of the poem: Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date: (...) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Why not copy out the full text from the link below and leave it under a loved one’s pillow this Valentine’s Day? Here are the only two links you need this Valentine’s Day: Sonnet 18 - Read the full textSonnet 18 – A study guide to help you better understand the poem If you are looking for something shorter, then our list of the top 10 Shakespeare love quotes will surely set your heart aflutter.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Article response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Response - Article Example milar levels of proficiency in their L3.Can Cross-Linguistic Influence(CLI) from L2 be observed in the, L3 lexicon of the candidate/learner who has attained a low level of L2 proficiency and who has also had limited exposure to that language? Let us see. The study showed that L1(English was used as L1 in the study) was by far the main source of influence on L3 languages. The CLI found in the L3(Germany was used) of the candidates in the high 2nd language proficiency(low L2 exposure) group has features of the Cross Linguistic Influence found in the L3 of the candidates in the high 2nd language proficiency(low L2 exposure) has characteristics of the CLI found in the L3 of the candidates in the high second language proficiency/high L2 exposure and the low second language proficiency(low L2) exposure groups. In a study of the placement of sentence negation in third language acquisition, it is argued that there is a contrast between acquisition of a second language and the acquisition of a third language. Although there is substantial evidence for L2 impact on vocabulary acquisition in L3, not every researcher believe that such manipulation generalizes to morph syntactic aspects of the grammar. The data clearly shows that syntactic structures are easily transferred from the second language than from the first language in the initial stage of L3 acquisition. The two groups behave almost contrastingly concerning the placement of negation, a contrast that can be sources to the L2 knowledge of the candidates in interaction with the typological relationship between the second and the third languages (Tremblay, 2006). The impact of L1 on L3 of learners who have achieved a higher level of L2 proficiency is the same, regardless of the level of exposure of L2 by the learners. While the overall rates of L1 influence are the same/similar for the high L2 proficiency exposure and a low second language exposure groups, the overall rate of first language influence found in the L3
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Essay Example The notion of knowledge management views knowledge as tacit or something which is present in one’s mind. Human expression and practice compound to the making of knowledge. However, knowledge cannot be enhanced in an isolated state of mind; that is, for knowledge to flourish, information must be enhanced through interaction (Kalkan, 2008). Both explicit and implicit knowledge must be tapped by organizations in order to progress successfully in today’s globalised world. Knowledge management is, therefore, focused on the attainment of organizational goals and objectives by enhancing the productivity of organizational knowledge in all activities, tasks and programs pertaining to knowledge. The aim is to create and sustain competitive advantage for the firm in the global marketplace by helping organizations exploit untapped knowledge. Hence, knowledge management essentially involves learning through social experiences and interactions. Researchers have broken down knowledge management into four major constructs including the development, manifestation, diffusion and use of knowledge (Kalkan, 2008). It is rather simplistic to think of knowledge management as a linear process in today’s global village. ... Factors such as geographic dispersion, interaction across different time zones and cross-cultural differences result in increased challenges for the firm (Pawlowski & Bick, 2012). Thus, the global arena has opened a new window for viewing knowledge management which incorporates introductory level, implementation and process issues pertaining to knowledge management (Alavi & Leidner, 2005). Despite increased awareness of these issues, research indicates that most businesses fail to successfully implement global knowledge management (Pawlowski & Bick, 2012). Global knowledge management encompasses all knowledge related activities, tasks, policies and processes that are performed within or between organizations that are globally dispersed. Culture of both the organization and the nation/region plays a vital role here (Holden, 2001). The global environment, therefore, brings with it a host of challenges including those pertaining to humans, organization, management and technology. All hu man interaction and communication (including the dissemination of knowledge) is heavily influenced by culture (Holden, 2001). But perhaps, the greatest of these challenges is to define the very nature of knowledge management itself. Although there have been efforts to differentiate data and information from knowledge, a concrete working definition has not yet been developed in the context of global dynamics (Roberts, 2009). Despite increasing emphasis on knowledge-oriented markets, there has been criticism which calls into existence the very existence of such markets. The absence of a concrete definition questions whether or not these markets actually exist or whether they are â€Å"old wine in a new bottle†(Roberts, 2009). The term knowledge has become a metaphor rather than a term with
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sociological Perspectives on the Family
Sociological Perspectives on the Family Sociology and the family Introduction This essay will focus on two sociology theories, which are the family life cycle and the functionalist approach. It will give a brief overview of each theory. The essay will go on to apply theory to practice, as this essay will make reference to a service user with a sudo name known as Sean, to up hold confidentiality. While applying the family life cycle to the particular service user, this essay will critique the theories strengths and limitations. In applying the functionalist approach, this essay will highlight how the family is seen as an institution in its self and how other institutions inter play in the service user’s life. The theories used in this essay will highlight areas which apply to the service user and areas in which the theory lacks understanding of the complex situations. Conclusion will be drawn. Overview of each theory According to Falicov (1988, p. 9) the family life cycle has been applied widely to social science, he explains that the ‘life course of families evolves through predictable stages which appear universal in spite of one’s culture or subculture’. Family transits to different stages as form of continuity and changes over the life cycle. Falicov identifies two main aspects to the family life cycle, which are cohesion and adaptability (Falicov1988, p. 9). The cohesion relates to the interdependence parts of one’s life and adaptability refers to the flexibility of the family to change, in this the family cycle essentially focuses on a child’s transition into adulthood within a family setting (Falicov, C. 1988, p. 9). As family goes through its continuity phase and changes, there’s a need for the role of each member in the family to be recognised. Claveirole, A Gaughan, M. (2011) defines the family life cycle as a developmental way of looking at families; it provided a framework for an individual’s development of family members and the cycle itself is influenced by socio cultures developments outside the family.  Falicov, C. (1988, p. 13) says the family life cycle is a subject to mirror timing and coping strategies. Carter, E.A McGoldrick, M. (1999) supports this concept as they stated the family cycle is really one’s individual life cycle, which changes and moves in a framework within the structure of a family. This theory takes into account that one’s framework is structured by the families past, present and future hopes for an individual introduced into the family life cycle. The family life cycle highlights the fact that one’s experiences within the family life cycle impacts on our sense of self, for example the values we produce and the development of our personalities. This applies to each individual despite the structure, qualities of relationships or genetics of one’s family. The family has a responsibility to provide whats known as a natural baseline for an individual to grow physically, mentally, socially and emotionally, it also holds responsibilit y for the social institutions in which will affect the growth of the individual i.e. schools and church they may attend. The family life cycle it-self is broken into six parts, which are: Independence (second order changes), coupling (with or without marriage and synergy), parenting young children (participating in reproduction), parenting adolescents, launching adult children and retirement (facing senior years). Each stage contains mastering certain skills or milestones and once this is achieved it allows for the next stage to be developed. There are many ways to study the family which creates many different perspectives. One of these ways is through the functionalist approach. The functionalist approach focuses on the relationship between the family and society. When looking at the family the functionalist approach studies the function in which the family severs to society, such as reproduction and stabilization. Shaws 2002 explains the development of the functionalist approach stating that the perspective emerged as a leading theoretical model, mainly in the area of sociology as three well known sociologists influenced the model. Wallace and Wolf (1995, p.76) defines functionalism, as a whole theoretical perspective, which takes into account four main areas, which are ‘Functional Independence in maintaining social structure, Collective norms to maintain social order/ stability, Societal equilibrium in areas of conformity, adjustments and consensus, along with social constituents and finally Social Pathology and deviance which have resulted from maladjustments of social units’. The functionalist perspective studies society on two levels called Macro and Micro. Macro focuses on society as a whole, polices, services and the community in general. Micro focuses on the individual, the family and reproduction system. The functionalist approach realizes society is broken into institutions. Institutions are defined by Giddens (1984, p.24) ‘as the more enduring social features in life’. The main institution in society is the family, O’Sullivan (2012, p.1) define the family as a natural, primary and fundamental unit group in society a ‘moral institution that possesses inalienable and imprescriptibly rights’. It is the nuclear family (a couple with a depended child or children) that’s a core unit in all types of society. The usefulness of a family in society is limitless in many ways, for example socialization and social order and so by seen the family as a whole in society, it provided changes in society as the needs of family changed, but creating change depends on how societies are governed/run. In support of this is Fletcher (1973) who states the role of the family in terms of socialization and social order falls into two categories which are satisfying human needs and purposes and providing a functional interconnection with the wider social networks of society (school, church). Overview of the client family circumstances Sean is a male aged 27 years. He has an intellectual disability and has attended services for those who have an intellectual disability all his life. World Health Organisation (2014) define intellectual disability as extensively reduction on one’s capability to be aware of information and to learn and apply new skills, in this, individuals are affected to cope independently as the disability have affected their development. Sean is now in a service that promotes independence for those who have an intellectual disability. Sean lives in rural Dublin, a partly disadvantaged area. He lacks motivation and self confidence. He has the capacity to physically work in certain areas and has work for a short period of time. He had the capacity to write and read, but has never been assisted appropriately in the area and is now restricted to learn. He has a great knowledge about current affairs and enjoys talking about this with people he knows. He has a passion for music and one of his hob bies is listening to music. He grew up in a family of three boys who are younger than him, his mother and father. One of Sean brothers pasted away due to tragic accident. The family members are very supportive and its clear Sean has a strong attachment to them. Critique of strengths limitations of each theory in relation to the particular client family Limitations of the family life cycle The family life cycle does not take into account the fact that an individual can â€Å"skip†or progress to another step without fulfilling each step as a sequence. For example in Sean’s case he hasn’t fully transitioned out of the independence stage but has committed to a new social system which is attending his work on a daily basis. He has also started at the independence stage and may skip past the coupling, parenting and launching children stages and still reach his senior years. The family life cycle can be studied and understood from two perspectives; a limitation to this is that in general it focused more on the family perspective. For example in Sean case he has an intellectual disability, but up until Sean started attending the service which promotes independence his perspective wasn’t accounted for. The independence stage highlights one gaining their identity within the family and outside the family unfortunately for Sean this transition has bec ome difficult and is still a working progress, because in the area of gaining roles and learning the rules within the family Sean gain a role of depended, even in areas he had the capacity to be independent for example making a sandwich or buying himself new clothes. The rules underlining this depend behavior was never challenged and from a family perspective is understood as they wanted to care for Sean in the best way they taught. Caring for Sean in this way would have also become a norm for the family, as he is depended on the family for other things such as transport. The family life cycle was limited as the understanding of the stages wasn’t promoted or applied specifically to Sean case (a person with an intellectual disability). In general the family life cycle is implemented as best practice, when really it should be implemented generally and globally for families as a clear outline of one’s transitions. In Sean’s case if the family understood when he was born that he needed to transition though these stages (for a positive/ practical future) to the best of his capacity even with an intellectual disability then he could have reached his full potential for example reading, writing living more independently which would benefit him and his family, as the family will reach their retirement and senior years and Sean would have learnt the basic life skills which he needs at a more practical time and he would have become less depended on the family and became more confident and motivated in his everyday life. Strengths of the family life cycle The family life cycle strength is that it highlights one’s life cycle in general. In Sean’s case he will reach his senior year, in this the life cycle insures that one builds on each stage to the best of their capacity so they reach their full potential as individuals. Working with Sean gives him the opportunity to develop as a person and live his life in the way in which he chooses. For example he acknowledges now that he want to become more independent and aspire to how his younger brothers are living and by applying the family life cycle to best practice and the family it gives him the opportunity to so accordingly. The independence stage is defined by My Health Albert (2014) as the most critical stage of the family life cycle. It is a stage where one begins separate emotionally from the family and in Sean’s case he is doing by speaking out on how he feels and by participating in such activities as buying himself everything’s like food and treating himself to DVD’s. However, the family life cycle begins when a child is born; therefore the life cycle gave Sean the chance to be able to work on the stages even at a later stage in life. For example Sean is 27 years of age and its now he’s working intensely towards the other stages of the family life cycle and even though some stages may not apply to him its only a benefit for him to be able to work towards the ones he is capable of reaching with support from services and his family. Limitations of the functionalist approach A limitation to the functionalist approach is the ideal or overly harmonious image of the family, one in which is well integrated, holding social order and socialization. It doesn’t provide a practical image of the stresses and difficulties in which the traditional family go through. For example Sean was the first child born into the family and he had an intellectual disability. This could have distorted the ideal image/norm/traditional of what the couple had expected with the birth of their first child. The functionalist approach does not consider the alternatives ways for the couple to provide the basic care for a child with an intellectual disability. For example in Sean case, the functionalist approach doesn’t highlighted the importance of services provided for a couple with a child who has an intellectual disability, as the couple may need to depend earlier on services such as the health services to guide them in providing the best care for Sean. The services would have to be integrated in Sean case at a earlier level which this approach does not highlight, for example they could provide information in the area of intellectual disabilities, enrolling him in appreciate school, integrating him into society. In the area of developing institutions functionalist says it’s developed out of satisfying the human needs through fulfilling and organizing various human social needs, in Sean case he hasn’t been fulfilled academically, such as reading and writing and his social needs also lack as the hasn’t intergraded or participated in areas of his choice. The various ways in which the functionalist approach organizes and institutionalizes the human needs is ultimately creating social structure in society, although it does create order it’s not the best approach to practice as it creates stigma around such areas as intellectual disability for example Sean had the capacity to attend mainstream school but due to the fact he had an intellectual disability he attended a special needs school. The stigma from institutionalizing those who have an intellectual disability promoted the idea they didn’t have the capacity to make decisions for themselves (social norm) or to participate in activities including intimate relationships, for example Sean has the capacity to make a decision for himself but due to the influence/ norms of the family and society he wasn’t given the opportunity. Strengths of the functionalist approach The strength of the functionalist approach is the fact it highlights the importance of services for families caring for children. In Sean case he was able to attend services in which provided the best care for those who have an intellectual disability at the time. It highlights the importance of family and even with the services interacting with the family; the family fundamentally provide the basic fundamental care. The family provide the values and norms for the individual and they take responsibility to intergraded their children into the community, for example Sean attend the service regularly as the family provide the transport for him, Sean father encourages Sean to go to the movies and participate in music as he has a passion for music. Sean own value shine through as he completes such things as spending money, a value in which relates to his home environment and where he was brought up. As society grows, the social needs become greater, which in turn gives minority groups a v oice. The functionalist approach appreciates and highlights these changes. Once highlight the changes can be implemented into lawmaking systems, it can develop the political system and education system. In the case of Sean he can voice his opinion and make decisions for himself, due to the rights provided by policies which have been amended. An example of this would be the work done around the issues of sexuality and relationships for those who have an intellectual disability. The Irish Sex Education Network has the primary aim to promote a high professional standard in the area of sex education for those who have an intellectual disability (Allen and Seery 2002, p.3) Conclusion In conclusion to this essay has given a brief over view of two sociological perspectives, which are the family life cycle and the functionalist approach. In reference to these theories it has applied a practice based example, in which it gives an in depth review of the strengths and limitations of the each theory. In reference to the family life cycle, it highlights the different stages in which Sean has progressed through and ones he could work towards with support. The family life cycle helps predict stages in which the service user will not be able to transition into due to lack of support from family and the services provided and in general because their capacity won’t allow. In applying the functionalist perspective, it highlights the interaction of the family and the services available for those who have an intellectual disability. It highlights how this interaction is of up most important to better the quality of life for service users. Bibliography Allen, M. Seery, D. (2002) The Current Status of Sex Education Practice For People with an Intellectual Disability In Ireland, [Online] Dublin: Irish Sex Education Network. Available at: [Accessed 27 January 2014] American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2013) Intellectual Disability [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 February 2014] Carter, E.A McGoldrick, M (1999) The expanded family life cycle: individual, family, and social perspectives, Boston : Allyn and Bacon Claveirole, A and Gaughan, M. (2011) Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health: United Kingdom:John Wiley Sons Ltd Falicov, C.J (1988) Family Transitions: Continuity and Change over the Life Cycle, New York: The Guilford Press Fletcher, R (1978) The Family and Marriage in Britian: An analysis and moral assessment,Virgina: Penguin Giddens, A. (1984) The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration, United States of America: The University of California Press O’Sullivan, D. (2012) A Critical Analysis of the protection of families under the Irish Constitution of 1937 [Online] Dublin: Colr .Available at: [Accessed 29 January 2014] My Health Albert (2014) Family life cycle: Independence Stage [Online] available at Accessed 5 January 2014 Shaw V.N, (2002) Substance Use and Abuse: Sociological Perspectives United States of America: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc Wallace, R. A and Wolf, A. (1995) Contemporary Sociological Theory: Continuing the Classical Tradition, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. World Health Organisation (2014) Intellectual Disability, [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 5th March 2014]
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Apocalypto Essay
Jayna Eckerson Apocalypto Essay Indiana State University Apocalypto is a movie about a man name Jaguar Paw who is a part of a Mayan tribe. Jaguar Paw, his father and his other tribe mates were out hunting for food when they came across another tribe leader and his people were passing through their forest. The tribe leader told Jaguar Paw that their homes were invaded by men from a different tribe and warned him to look out for them. After the he told Jaguar Paw about the other tribe men, he was scared that they were coming to their tribe next.The next morning, Jaguar Paw was awoken by the dog which stopped barking and he became suspicious. Then he saw a tribe man running with a torch, so Jaguar Paw immediately woke his wife who is pregnant and his son so that can run for cover. After he put his family in a safe place, Jaguar Paw went to go help his tribe mates and father fight the invading men and women were also getting raped by these men. Jaguar Paw was held down to watch one of th e tribe leaders kill his father. All the women and men in Jaguar Paw’s tribe were taken as prisoners.They made to walk miles with the other tribe members that Jaguar Paw saw the day before to another camp site. As they were walking, they ran into a little girl who they believed that she had a disease. When they denied her help, she cured them and said that they will be killed by a man in a jungle. Finally, they made it to the camp the women were sold as slaves and the men were to be scarified. But eventually, Jaguar Paw would be released from being scarified and he goes back to his homeland to save his family. External adornment was worn throughout Apocalypto such as paint and make-up, intrinsic, sartorial, and local.All the tribe members wore a lot of black for their paint and make-up. According to my course packet, black is meant for protection. Intrinsic adornments are shown through their accessories. Each tribe member has some type of intrinsic adornment such as feathers, beads, shells, and teeth. These adornments are worn as necklaces, bracelets, and head ornaments. Also, feathers, beads, shells, and teeth are value too. Another type of adornment that is viewed in this movie is sartorial. I really got a chance to see sartorial adornments during the rituals.For example, the men that were killing other tribe men for sacrifice wore big masks with different colors and it was carved into funny looking faces. Also, they wore very big shields that look like necklaces, but it covers their shoulders and chest instead of being a necklace. In this movie, every tribe member showed some form of local adornment. The women wore a rough cotton material as a dress, but their breast and buttocks will still be seen. Also, the same for men but the only part of their body that is covered is their penis.Also, corporal adornment is shown in Apocalypto. Each tribe member in the movie had their on tattoos to describe their level of status. In Jaguar Paw’s tribe, the color of their tattoos is black and white. The other tribe men culture, women and men had green, red, black, and many more colors for their tattoos to represent their level of status too. Another important cororpal adornment is piercings. Most of tribe members have piercings in their chin, ears, and nose. For example, Jaguar Paw had a piercing on chin with a small circular object on it.Another example is Jaguar Paw’s dad, he have a piercing of a tooth or shell going through his nose. As earrings, they wear earrings that cuffed, spiral, or the round earrings that stretch their ears into a bigger size. The status roles among the tribes are different. Jaguar Paw’s tribe only has one leader which his father. The other tribe men have numerous of leaders that have their own personal adornment. Jaguar Paw’s father has feathers to represent is status in their tribe. He has big feathers that are placed on his shoulder.The leader of the other tribe has skulls, bones, and feathers to represent his role as a leader. He has a mask that is made out an alligator mouth with a creature head on top of the head piece and it has a few feathers on it too. Also, the other tribe men have leaders that are over them. Their leaders wear color tattoos, bigger and better intrinsic adornments, and have more beautiful external and corporal adornments. One of those leaders has beads that link off one another and it goes down his stomach. He also wore a head piece that has colorful, big feathers on it too.In Apocalypto, the higher you get in social status, you will get better adornments. The language that was spoken in this movie is called Yucatec Maya. This language is spoken among people of Yucatan Maya of Mexico. Throughout this whole movie, I only saw two rituals. The first ritual I saw was when Jaguar Paw and his tribe sat around a fire while elder told a story. After he told his story, the tribe members begin to dancing. After Jaguar Paw was captured, he was taken to a place where they scarified men for their God. My personal reaction to this movie was neutral.Overall, I think Apocalypto is a good movie but it is not the type of action movie I typically watch. I do not dislike anything about the movie, but it did kind of bore me at some point of time. I enjoyed how the tribe members loved their families especially toward the children. I am very impressed with the language that was spoken in the movie. Also, I got very sad when the mothers were taking away from their children. The children were left alone to raise themselves and each other. If I had to recommend this movie to a friend I would because it is good movie and it has a great meaning.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Music Composition: Pirate’s Dinner Adventure
Music has a way of adding life and energy to any performance, many musicals, commercials, films, live shows, and concerts sweeping people off of their feet by the colorful compositions of the musicians. In adding depth and dimension to characters, music has a way of bringing emotions to surface through the use of sound, meaningful beats and rhythms pulsing audible story tales into the ears and souls of the performers and audience members. Louder and more intense sounds, like deep booming, have the effect of grounding the music, while softer and often higher pitched compositions, like gentle piping, have the effect of lifting the music. Feelings such as anticipation, anger, joy, sorrow, peace, and frustration can be communicated through sound, and people are in tune with the ways in which music arouses them. These various types of sounds are produced by a wide range of unique instruments, including horns, drums, and strings. Each distinct instrument and sound has a part to play in the overall composition of the music, every element bringing a certain kind of meaning and emotionality to the overall performance. In experiencing the performance of the Pirate’s Dinner Adventure, one is thrust into a historical world of swashbuckling action, pirates taking to the stage, in boats and though water, in the battle for the ship of treasures and the princess. Each part of the musical composition has meaning and purpose, the deeper horns and drums creating a sense of anticipation and fear, a mixture of expectation and dread. This booming introduction is followed by the appearance of pirates on the stage, creeping through the water and floating in on their small boats, each one determined to fight to the finish and win the battle for riches and the lovely woman. This slow beating of the drums is threaded through with low to medium pitched horns, such as tubas, leading the skulking pirates closer to their final goal, the wealthy ship full of gold and the fine girl. Some pirates pop up above the water with knives in their mouths, surprising the audience, as the drums beat out in almost perfect synchronicity with their small splashes, and the leisurely gliding boats fill the viewers with dread as the music pipes out the horns, their stealthy movements and whispers carried by each rich tune. When the pirates raid the ship, the music explodes and quickens, higher pitched horns, such as trumpets, pound out the action of the climbing men, rope swinging pirates, firing canons, and sword fighting bandits. The soldiers lose control of their ship, and the music floods with horns, the shrill cries of the instruments sounding out the struggles and screams of a waterborne battlefield. The knives flying through the air and the pieces of the ship falling down onto the deck and into the water are pierced with drumming, and the pushing and falling people, the fighters, are suspended in a torrent of drumming and horns, each instrument pulsing out a rhythm which is busied yet integrated, hectic but blended to suit the frantic interweaving of battle. The music calms and the strings enter into the composition when the soldiers finally take control of their ship once again, having banished the pirates from the area, and having reclaimed their treasure and their princess. With the brash and brazen pirates effectively cast out, the peaceful and gliding sounds of the violins, flutes, and chimes bringing the culmination of the show to a soft and quiet ending. These higher pitched instruments are most effective when played lightly, the soothing tinkling of these sweet instruments resembling the gentle nature of the female, and symbolizing the safety of the princess and the treasure. This performance was extremely rich in musical emotionality, each instrument and sound bringing a certain and unique element of beauty and meaning to the piece. Initiating into the slow, deep beginning of anticipation, moving through the wild and loud rhythmic racket of battle, and culminating with the soft and gentle high sounds of peace was a poignant experience rich with significance. The magnificence of the deep drumbeat and shallow tubas was followed by the excited piping of trumpeters and quicker beats, finally cascading into the chiming flow of the violins and flutes. A story can be effective without the use of music, but telling a tale interwoven with melodies can capture elements of the heart and soul through the use of a comprehensive and engaging harmony of sounds.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Sexism Women Are Weak, Less Intelligent, And Less...
Sexism is â€Å"the belief that women are weaker, less intelligent, and less important than men†(Longman, 1995).Sexism is defined â€Å"as a negative attitude or discriminatory behavior based on the presumed inferiority or difference of women as a group†(Cameron, 2001).Cornell (as cited in Trujillo, 1991, p. 290) defines hegemonic masculinity as â€Å"the culturally idealized form of masculine character†which underlines â€Å"the connecting of masculinity to toughness and competitiveness†and â€Å"the subordination of women.†Cornell claims that â€Å"such an idealized form of masculinity becomes hegemonic when it is widely accepted in a culture and when that acceptance reinforces the dominant gender ideology of the culture†(pp. 290-291). AsTrujillo (1991, pp. 291-292) put it, hegemonic masculine characteristics include â€Å"power defined in terms of physical force and control,†success defined in terms of occupational achievement in traditional male jobs, familial patriarchy, presenting a â€Å"frontier†image, and heightened heterosexuality. Distinctive characteristics of masculinity are strength, independence, decisiveness, while the remarked characteristics of women are weak, dependence, sensitive in negative terms and compassionate, supportive, and relationship oriented in positive terms. It is often not noticed due to people’s internalization toward the issue which results in recognition of sexism as natural and acceptable phenomenon. The stated invisibility or in other terms, the traditional conceptsShow MoreRelatedGender Roles Of The American Film And Television Industry3106 Words  | 13 Pagesand females. Men are considered to be financial providers, career motivated and aggressive. 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