Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Rilke On Love
â€Å"Youthful Ignorance†â€Å"Marriage is a new task and a new seriousness a new challenge to and questioning of the strength and generosity of each partner and a great new danger for both.†With this definition marriage is presented as a business deal. However, marriage is not just two random people assigned to each other, instead it involves a connection between the two people called love. Since many people fall into and out of love it is difficult to define what love actually is. Rilke explains what an ideal love relationship is, different errors young people make, and ways to correct them. His views on love and relationships are debatable and can be seen as both correct and incorrect. The error that young people often make with relationships is that young people jump into relationships to early. Young people do this because of several reasons: they are impatience, they possess what seems like an uncontrollable sex drive, and they have a social convention that makes them feel it necessary to have a significant other. Yet the problem lies not with their want for a relationship, because relationships are possible, rather in the way the youth throw themselves at the other person, abandoning their individuality to form a perfect, but unattainable, union. Rilke explains that impatience is a cause for a bad relationship. He says, â€Å" But young people who love each other fling themselves with the impatience and haste of their passion.†The two people do not truly know or respect each other. Instead they rush into a relationship and form a union with somebody that could be a complete opposite of what the other partner is looking for. When they do this both people compromise their values, beliefs, or way of life in order to keep the bond they share together. Therefore, they lose the individuality that once made them unique and special. Another cause for the error in young peoples relationships is a sex drive that they s... Free Essays on Rilke On Love Free Essays on Rilke On Love â€Å"Youthful Ignorance†â€Å"Marriage is a new task and a new seriousness a new challenge to and questioning of the strength and generosity of each partner and a great new danger for both.†With this definition marriage is presented as a business deal. However, marriage is not just two random people assigned to each other, instead it involves a connection between the two people called love. Since many people fall into and out of love it is difficult to define what love actually is. Rilke explains what an ideal love relationship is, different errors young people make, and ways to correct them. His views on love and relationships are debatable and can be seen as both correct and incorrect. The error that young people often make with relationships is that young people jump into relationships to early. Young people do this because of several reasons: they are impatience, they possess what seems like an uncontrollable sex drive, and they have a social convention that makes them feel it necessary to have a significant other. Yet the problem lies not with their want for a relationship, because relationships are possible, rather in the way the youth throw themselves at the other person, abandoning their individuality to form a perfect, but unattainable, union. Rilke explains that impatience is a cause for a bad relationship. He says, â€Å" But young people who love each other fling themselves with the impatience and haste of their passion.†The two people do not truly know or respect each other. Instead they rush into a relationship and form a union with somebody that could be a complete opposite of what the other partner is looking for. When they do this both people compromise their values, beliefs, or way of life in order to keep the bond they share together. Therefore, they lose the individuality that once made them unique and special. Another cause for the error in young peoples relationships is a sex drive that they s...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
My Successful Friend Idiom Story for ESL Students
My Successful Friend Idiom Story for ESL Students Here is a story about a successful friend who has had a fantastic career. Try reading the story one time to understand the gist without using the idiom definitions. On your second reading, use the definitions to help you understand the text while learning new idioms. Finally, youll find idiom definitions and a short quiz on some of the expressions at the end of the story.  My Successful Friend My friend Doug has really done well for himself in life. Im very proud of him and all of his achievements! We get together every year or so for a two or three-day hike in Oregon. Its a great time to reflect on how life is going, talk about old times and have new adventures. Let me tell you a little bit about Doug. It was clear from the very beginning that he was going places. He did very well in school, and everyone knew he was a smart cookie. Not only were his grades good, but he was also an outstanding athlete, as well as keeping his nose clean. Some accused him of being squeaky clean, but that didnt bother him. He wasnt going to let anyone rain on his parade! After he graduated from college, he decided to go to New York. As the song goes: If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere! Back in those days, New York was a hotbed of innovation. Doug was a product design specialist and had some great designs on tap. Unfortunately, he didnt immediately succeed. Things werent easy in the beginning, and it took him a while to learn the ins and outs of the Big Apple. In any case, it soon became to clear to him that he needed to make some brownie points with his director. He decided he would volunteer to create the presentation for a new product at the companys yearly dog and pony show. The boss wasnt so sure, but the decision about who would make the presentation wasnt carved in stone. In the end, the manager decided that Doug would do a good job. Doug gladly accepted the challenge and decided to make quite an impression. He wasnt exactly going to reinvent the wheel, but he knew he could improve on past presentations. He felt that giving a great presentation would improve his standing in the company. The day of the presentation arrived, and, no surprise, Doug did an outstanding job. His presentation was informative, and he didnt blow any smoke. Where there were problems, he pointed them out and made suggestions as to how to improve the situation. Long story short, because of his excellent presentation the director realized that he was the genuine article. Doug started taking more and more responsibility at the company. Within three years, he had sealed the deal on the development of two of his best ideas. As they say, the rest is history. Idioms Used in the Story be on a roll to have one success after another have a string of successes Big Apple New York New Yorkblow smoke to fake or provide false information in order to gain somethingbrownie points extra good will carved in stone not changeable dog and pony show a presentation during which a companys best products are showngenuine article real true not fakego places to become successfulhotbed of something an area that is famous for a certain type of industry or successins and outs the details and inside information about a place or situation keep ones nose clean to not make any illegal or unethical mistakeson tap readyrain on someones parade to criticize the success of someonereinvent the wheel to remake or invent something that already exists seal the deal to make an agreement sign a contractsmart cookie very intelligent personsqueaky clean without fault not having problems or mistakes Quiz I think were ___________. All of our products are selling very well.This bag looks like its ______________. It doesnt look fake.We ________________ with our partners and start the project in May.The contract isnt ________________. We can still negotiate the details.Work with Anna and shell show you the ____________ of the company.I dont want to _________ your _________, but there are still a few problems.I think shell ______________. Shes very intelligent AND competitive. I wouldnt believe that. Hes known for ______________. Quiz Answers on a rollgenuine article sealed the dealcarved in stoneins and outsrain on your paradego placesblowing smoke More Idioms and Expressions in Context Stories Learn more expressions using stories with one or more of these further idioms in context stories with quizzes. Its important to learn and use idioms in context. Of course, idioms are not always easy to understand. There are idiom and expression resources that can help with definitions, but reading them in short stories can also provide context that makes them come more alive.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economics of Human Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economics of Human Capital - Essay Example he justification for this argument was that essentially the amount of available land for production was believed to be limited due to the fact that land cannot grow at the same pace as capital and labor, consequently, land becomes insufficient, and capital and labor in the end become saturated and less efficient and less profitable (Mauro & Fernandez 68). This essay discusses the role of human capital in economic growth. Nevertheless, these early growth framework took in a fourth variableâ€â€knowledge, or technological development, that allowed available capital and labor to generate greater yields on specific amounts of land. The rate and extent of transformation of this fourth variable was viewed as exogenous to the frameworkâ€â€knowledge only grew constantly by itself and not as an outcome of investments or capital constituted within the framework. However, examinations of the potential sources of increases in national productivity over time revealed consistently that this inadequately known and non-quantifiable variable-- technological development-- comprised a substantial portion of overall economic development all over the 20th century (Qadri & Waheed 93). Obviously, economists did not accept the assumption that knowledge expanded without help, and hence several adjustments on this framework enable ‘labor’ input to expand not just by increasing work hours and people, but a lso by hypothesizing that the labor force’s human capital could, successfully, expand by means of training and education. This model is quite subjective, and, according to numerous economists, scarcely better than merely considering technological development as a residual variable that provides explanation of the portion of economic progress that cannot be clarified by expansion in physical or human capital (Becker(b) 57). During the 1980s, economists became fascinated with a modeling framework referred to as ‘New Growth Theory’, which viewed the role of growth in technological and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Prisoner's Dilemma Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Prisoner's Dilemma - Research Paper Example In the prisoners dilemma game I was stuck in jail with Lucifer. We were in separated cells. In a prisoner dilemma game there is no way for the prisoner’s to coordinate their actions (Varian). The two options in the game are to cooperate or defect. Cooperate implies to cooperate with each other by denying the crime. Defect means to talk to the police and tell on each other. The first strategy that I choose was to cooperate. I was sure that Lucifer would do the same. Lucifer did not follow my lead and defected. The implication of this strategy was that I was going to jail and Lucifer was going to go free. I decided to run the simulation once again to implement a different strategy. During the second simulation run I decided to cooperate once again. Lucifer cooperated with me. The game was run 13 times and Lucifer kept cooperating. The final outcome was mutual cooperation the best potential outcome for both parties. Under this scenario we both received jail time but at a reduced sentence. I decided to try the simulation a third time to try a different strategy. The third strategy I used was to be a traitor and implement a pure defect strategy. Lucifer became the sucker in the game. My won the game with a final score of 78-13. The strategy that I used was risky in real prisoner dilemma game because if both parties defected we both get the maximum jail time.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
What does John Steinbeck have to say about friendship Essay Example for Free
What does John Steinbeck have to say about friendship Essay What does John Steinbeck have to say about friendship and loneliness in Of Mice and Men and how do cultural, social and historical issues affect this? John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men was set in California during the early to mid 1930s, a time of economic depression and high unemployment. It is a famous story about the harsh realities of life for the poor and unskilled workers who were disrupted by the Depression. Large numbers of migrant workers came to California from other parts of America in search of work. Two of these workers are George and Lennie. They are two very different men, who together search for work. The action takes place at or around the ranch where they eventually find work. The main themes in the story are friendship and loneliness. Migrant workers found friendships difficult to establish at that time as they were thrown together in difficult circumstances, often competing for a single job and were not in the same place for very long. This competitiveness was a common cultural aspect amongst the migrant workers who were mostly men. Men had to leave their wives and families behind and mostly travelled alone, roaming from ranch to ranch, farm work being the only type of work available to them. Against this historical background, the friendship between George and Lennie is all the more special because it is so rare. Steinbeck often shows this by displaying how other characters question and react to their friendship which they find unusual and even distrustful. This can be seen at the ranch when George and Lennie have just arrived and the boss is suspicious as he has never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. He presumes George must be exploiting Lennie by taking away his pay. The two very different men are dependant on each other, but for different reasons. Lennie is physically strong but mentally weak and relies on George to keep him going, literally, to keep him alive. Without George as his guide, Lennie would be unable to find any work due to his severe lack of intelligence and would most likely have spent time in some form of mental institution. George takes responsibility for Lennie partly out of pity, partly out of affection and partly for companionship; being with Lennie is far better than being lonely, something which most other workers had to put up with. George is looked upon as Lennies mentor. This is shown in the way Lennie copies Georges actions when drinking from the pool on the way to the ranch: Lennie, who had been watching, imitated George exactly. He pushed himself back, drew up his knees, embraced them, looked over to George to see whether he had it just right. He pulled his hat down a little more over his eyes, the way Georges was.- (Line 3, page 21) Lennies lack of intelligence to think for him self is displayed here. However, the way in which he imitates George could be due to Lennies lack of exposure to other people. George is the only person who Lennie actually knows and their constant travels in search of work would not help Lennies skills in interacting with others. This very point is displayed at the ranch towards the end of the story. Curlys wife is alone with Lennie in the barn while the rest of the ranch workers are heavily involved in a bet in another room. She is telling Lennie about what she could have done with her life, expecting Lennie to talk back and perhaps comfort her. However he is not at all concerned on what she has to say but is completely focused on his obsession with his rabbits and his and Georges dream of their own plot of land. Dont you think of nothing but rabbits?- (Last line of page 125) Lennie even dismisses this question which has been asked angrily by Curlys wife and continues to describe his and Georges dream, something which George had told Lennie to keep a secret! Despite Lennies fault in revealing his and Georges American dream, something which Americans commonly shared at that time, to Curlys wife, he did in fact remember to meet with George at the camp site by the river. This is the place where George tells Lennie to go if anything went wrong. Also, it is the exact same location where the story first opened, showing George and Lennies friendship as they stumbled together across the plains. At this final point in the story, the two companions friendship is displayed perfectly. George knows that the other workers, in particular Curly, are coming after Lennie to punish him for the death of Curlys wife, and knows that when they catch him they will either brutally kill him or send him to a mental institution as he would be viewed by the society at that time as unsafe . George feels entitled to shoot Lennie himself as he realises the harsh realities that would befall Lennie if Curly caught him. At this point, historical and social aspects affect the outcome very much. If Lennie was captured today, hed be taken to a court case and would most likely be committed to a caring institution because of his mental instability. However this is not the way it worked in the society of the 1930s. Immediately Lennie would be labelled insane and sent to jail or to an institution which would differ very much from one in todays society. George therefore takes it upon himself to kill Lennie at the peaceful scene where the story first began and makes his death as humane as possible. He dies a quick, clean death, blissfully unaware of what is happening to him, but happy in Georges reassurances of their future. In contrast to the obvious friendship between George and Lennie, Steinbeck portrays the lack of friendship between Curlys wife and the men on the ranch. A noticeable point is the way in which she is labelled. Throughout the whole story she is never given a proper name other than Curlys wife. This is not because she is unimportant in the story she is one of the key characters whose fate is the same as Lennies but more to do with the way in which she is despised by the ranch workers. She is seen as a piece of jail bate who will only cause trouble due to the way she flaunts herself around the ranch in inappropriate clothing; She wore her bright cotton dress and the mules with red ostrich feathers. This was certainly not typical ranch wear. She constantly flirts with the ranchers. Steinbeck suggests the flirting that caused her to be ignored may be caused by factors other than her natural personality. With no real companionship on the ranch, it is not altogether surprising that she looks for company in the way she does. She is named as Curlys wife; defined by her relationship to Curly, not as an individual. This may also have something to do with the way women were looked upon at that time. Between the 1920s and 1930s there was a sexual revolution where women, just like Curlys wife, became more confident in their appearance and became far more aware their sexuality. However some men frowned upon this. Men on the ranch would see women like this as a distraction more than anything and this is evident in the way they do everything they can to ignore her as she only brings trouble; Cause shes a rap trap if I ever seen one (Bottom of page 54). Crooks, the only black ranch worker is described by Candy as a nice fella. He is first introduced into the story when the boss of the ranch is angry and, because of Crooks race, takes it out on him. While Curlys wife is lonely because of her attitude and general appearance, Crooks is lonely simply because of the colour of his skin. The way in which he is segregated from the rest of the ranch workers because of the colour of his skin is to do with the way blacks were looked upon by society at that time. Black Americans, then called negros, were seen as an inferior race, and many laws drastically affected their freedom. This is shown in the way Crooks is not allowed to mingle with the rest of the workers apart from on special occasions like Christmas, but, even then he ends up as the victim of a fight. Despite this, he is resigned to being separated from the rest of the group and has a great interest in books, his only true friends. His bunk where he spends most, if not all of his time while he isnt working is his territory over which he has grown to be very protective. This is shown when Lennie, totally unaware of the racial boundaries of that time, enters his room uninvited. Crooks, out of pride, use his only right, that being in the privacy of his own room, and taunts Lennie with stories of George not returning from his night out. Crooks does this to show Lennie what being lonely is really like but soon realises that Lennie didnt come into his bunk to cause harm, but just to have somebody to talk to. Unfortunately, just as Crooks is beginning to open out and reveal himself to Lennie about how he is constantly lonely, Curlys wife enters. Her presence causes anger and tension inside the room but due to there deficiencies, Crooks being black and Lennie suffering from learning difficulties, they are both powerless and cannot retaliate to her abuse. Her anger is caused by the common bond that all workers have, loneliness. Steinbeck portrays friendship that seems to be fixed in male companionship. This true to the historical context of men being thrust together by historical circumstances. This friendship is more than just the absence of loneliness. It has positive aspects such as the sharing of the American dream, common to the society of the 1930s, and the solid trust which is based purely on companionship and not on any duty or commitment to one another. This friendship between males does not seem to cross the racial or gender boundaries. This accurately depicts the situation of the women and black people of the time.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How Professional Advertising Agencies Contribute to the Success of a Ma
How Professional Advertising Agencies Contribute to the Success of a Marketing Campaign Professional advertising agencies can contribute to the success of a marketing campaign in many ways. If a new company is just starting out and wish to make the most of their money for advertising, then it is probably best for them to hire someone from an advertising agency to help them along the way, as they know they are doing, and know how to use their money to their advantage. Professional advertising agencies know what they are doing. It is their job to help companies to have a successful marketing campaign. The agencies can guide the company in the right direction to help them advertise to the best of their abilities. They can give expert advice to the company and guide them in the right direction, so that at the end of it they can have a successful campaign. They are able to help the business by creating the catchy slogan, one which people will remember, and remember the company that had it. Businesses using professional advertising agencies would probably result in a more successful campaign. Businesses which have been around for a while, and have already made a name for themselves, who know what there doing and who there target audience is etc, then they might try to design the advertisements themselves, which would save them a bit of money, but they may not be making the most of their budget. It is not just new companies who may decide to use an advertising agent. Businesses already established could hire an advertising agent who could design their promotional campaign which may not save them money, but it would also save them time if they were under pressure. By hiring an advertising agent, the business can concentrate on things more focal to the business itself, and think about how to improve it. Advertising agents can offer a business all their knowledge and advice to help the company get a successful campaign. Agents can carry out market research for the business to get more insight into the campaign. They have specialist skills, they know about the public and what the public want to see in advertisements. The advertising agents can do the account management for the company, such as looking after the advertising budget, because they know how far they can stretch it to have at the end of it, the most successful campaign. Overall professional advertis... ...that amount of money to spend on promotional campaigns. Part of this could be an advantage, as although they are costing a lot of money, they could attract a lot more customers, than if they designed the promotional campaign themselves. Might not turn out how expected There is always a risk involved in getting someone else to design a promotional campaign for you, and it might not turn out how you wanted it to. Might not get a full understanding of what goes on inside the business as they are external to the business. You might not get what you want out of the promotional campaign. The advertising agents could change something to the way they want, but it turns out wrong, so the company do not get what they ask for, and the agents messed up. EXPLAIN! Might provide the same service to competitors The agency might give two companies the same information and this would result in two competitive companies having very similar advertisements, which would not help with competition, as the public would not know what was going on with the promotions. Vital information may be given away The advertising agent might accidentally give away important information to a competitive company.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sociology Paper on Society
Sociology Final Exam Paper Sociology Paper on Society â€Å"Human beings are fascinated with the world in which they live, and they aspire to develop ways to explain their experiences. People appear to have always felt this fascination-along with the intense desire to unravel the world’s mysteries-for people in ancient times also attempted to explain their worlds†(Henslin 8). Sociology is about understanding how people act as a society and how we, as people, treat our fellow human beings.The symbolic interactionist perspective, also known as symbolic interactionism, directs sociologists to consider the symbols and details of everyday life, figuring out what these symbols mean, and how people interact with each other. Although symbolic interactionism traces its origins to Max Weber's assertion that individuals act according to their interpretation of the meaning of their world, the American philosopher George H. Mead introduced this perspective to American sociology in t he 1920s.According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, people attach meanings to symbols, and then they act according to their subjective interpretation of these symbols. Verbal conversations, in which spoken words serve as the main symbols, make this subjective interpretation especially evident. The words have a certain meaning for the â€Å"sender,†and, during effective communication, they hopefully have the same meaning for the â€Å"receiver†. Words are not static things and they require intention and interpretation.Conversation is an interaction of symbols between individuals who constantly interpret the world around them. Of course, anything can serve as a symbol as long as it refers to something beyond itself. Think of applying symbolic interactionism to the American institution of marriage, the symbols may include wedding bands, vows of life-long commitment, a white bridal dress, a wedding cake, a Church ceremony, and flowers. American society attaches general meanings to these symbols, but people also maintain their own perceptions of what these and other symbols mean.For example, one of the spouses may see their circular wedding rings as symbolizing never ending love, while the other may see them as a just a financial expense. Bad communication can result from differences in the perception of the same events and symbols. Critics claim that symbolic interactionism neglects the macro level of social interpretation, which is the big picture. In other words, symbolic interactionists may miss the larger issues of society by focusing too closely on the size of the diamond in the wedding ring rather than the quality of the marriage.The perspective also receives criticism for slighting the influence of social norms and institutions on individual interactions. According to the functionalist perspective, also called functionalism, each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to society's functioning as a whole. The government , or state, provides education for the children of the family, which in turn pays taxes on which the state depends to keep itself running. That is, the family is dependent upon the school to help children grow up to have good jobs so that they can raise and support their own families.In the process, the children become law-abiding, taxpaying citizens, who in turn support the state. On the other hand, Functionalists believe that society is held together by social consensus, or cohesion, in which members of the society agree upon, and work together to achieve, what is best for society as a whole. Emile Durkheim suggested that social consensus takes one of two forms, one being Mechanical Solidarity, which is a form of social cohesion that arises when people in a society maintain similar values and beliefs and engage in similar types of work.Mechanical solidarity most commonly occurs in traditional, simple societies such as those in which everyone herds cattle or farms. The Amish societ y exemplifies mechanical solidarity. In contrast, the other being Organic solidarity, which is a form of social cohesion that arises when the people in a society are interdependent, but hold to varying values and beliefs and engage in varying types of work. Organic solidarity most commonly occurs in industrialized, more immense societies such as those in large American cities like New York City.The functionalist perspective achieved its greatest popularity among American sociologists in the 1940s and 1950s. While European functionalists originally focused on explaining the inner workings of social order, American functionalists focused on discovering the functions of human behavior. Among these American functionalist sociologists is Robert Merton, who divides human functions into two types, manifest functions are intentional and obvious. The manifest function of attending a church or synagogue, for instance, is to worship as part of a religious community.With common sense, manifest functions become easily apparent. A sociological approach in functionalism is the consideration of the relationship between the functions of smaller parts and the functions of the whole. Functionalism has received criticism for neglecting the negative functions of an event such as divorce. Critics of this perspective also claim that the perspective justifies the status quo and complacency on the part of society's members. Functionalism does not encourage people to take an active role in changing their social environment, even when such change may benefit them.Instead, functionalism sees active social change as undesirable because the various parts of society will compensate naturally for any problems that may arise. The conflict perspective, which originated primarily out of Karl Marx's writings on class struggles, presents society in a different light than the functionalist and symbolic interactionist perspectives. While these latter perspectives focus on the positive aspects of so ciety that contribute to its stability, the conflict perspective focuses on the negative, conflicted, and ever-changing nature of society.Unlike functionalists who defend the status quo, avoid social change, and believe people cooperate to effect social order, conflict theorists challenge the status quo, encourage social change, and believe rich and powerful people have more control of society than the poor and the weak. Conflict theorists, for example, feel that society should have a more equal balance to it, meaning if the rich have more money than less fortunate people, they should share the wealth. American sociologists in the 1940s and 1950s generally ignored the conflict perspective in favor of the functionalist.They also expanded Marx's idea that the key conflict in society was strictly economic. Today, conflict theorists find social conflict between any groups in which the potential for inequality exists, such as racial, gender, religious, political, and economic. Conflict t heorists note that unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas, causing them to compete against one another. This constant competition between groups forms the notion of how our society as a whole is constantly changing.Men, especially in today’s society, are seen as the more important and intelligent gender while woman are seen as the warm, caring, and responsible gender. â€Å"As examination of the work women did before beginning car sales show that most had traditional women’s careers, such as teaching, waitressing, social work, retail sales, and secretarial jobs. These occupations primarily involved service to others and paid low wages†(Henslin 205). This is especially true in the United States, in which many states have low wages for women and higher wages for men.Men tend to have a job that requires strength and knowledge, whereas women are classified as either the stay at home, nurturing mother, or the waitress or secretary like how Helene Lawson discussed in, Down to Earth Sociology. The supposed fundamental differences between sexes have historically been used as an argument against equal rights, notably in the opposition to women's suffrage. More recently Neuro-scientific researchers have claimed that essential differences between the male and female brain have been uncovered, evidenced by neuro-imaging that suggests differing brain structures.The differences are how women and men tend to act, and how they act differently in society, therefore society views them differently and discriminates. However, the research is not as clear as it may first appear, no participant of a study can be isolated from the affects of socialization. The widely held belief that male and female brains function in different ways is based upon the conclusions of a small minority of studies, conclusions usually dismissed. Sociologists have relied upon the notion of a universal, innate, human nature, a nature that includes gender divisions, in society.Our society is patriarchal, our institutions, our traditions, our everyday lives, are filled with examples of men in positions of authority over women. You are born and take your father’s surname. You marry, and tradition holds that a father gives away his daughter to become the wife of a man whose name she shall adopt. Until very recently, it is the man in a relationship who holds financial control, and the woman who takes the responsibility for the home and the children.When a woman goes out to work she earns, on average, usually less than her male counterpart, is less likely to receive a promotion, and is likely to receive a smaller pension. If a woman is a wife and/or mother, she will also, on average, continue to take responsibility for the home and the family in addition to her paid employment. The decisions made on our behalf by representatives in unions, councils, and governments that are made predominantly by men. Despite the now higher proportion of femal e law graduates to their male counterparts, our legal system remains dominated by men.Equality differences can even be seen at birth, where male babies are described as being smart and strong, and the female babies are often given pink clothing, and referred to as cute, warm. To when they grow up, being a female baby, beauty is important, â€Å"Its sad but true that grade school teachers tend to judge their pupils largely on the basis of their looks†(Henslin 344). These associations, implicit in our society, have deep implications when it comes to gender equality.Research has demonstrated that when equally qualified men and women apply for identical jobs, the gender associations of the vacancy is a key factor in determining who will be successful, women therefore are at a disadvantage in many areas of employment from the outset, as the attributes of a successful worker are typically seen as masculine, while a woman may be perfectly suited to the role in question, her talents are far less likely to be recognized than they would be in a man.Feminism, which is the idea of equality between men and women, has become more prevalent because of the fact that women are being treated more as sex symbols than people in advertisements and in society in general, in the U. S. Feminism is a misconception, when thought of as women are better then men so they should have more rights, it is mainly just equality. The feminist’s just want to have, â€Å"equal rights within the current political and social structure†(Tuana 1).Feminists had movements dating back to the sixties, that were against inequality between genders, â€Å"The National Organization for Women forms in 1966, petitioning to stop sex segregation of want ads and one year later to request federally funded childcare centers†(Tuana 1). Women and men function as human beings in the U. S and in society in general and should be treated as equals, not discriminated because of one’s sex. Social stratification in American Society is not clearly defined or determined, nevertheless social scientists has developed a socio-economic stratification of the American society.Americans believe in a three-class society, the rich, poor and the middle class and most Americans consider themselves as middle class. In reality American society is more diverse and there is an extensive difference among people. The basic determinants that make social class are wealth, education, income and occupation. Some sociologists have divided the American society in six distinct categories including: rich or the upper class, upper middle class, lower middle class, lower class and poor and under class.It is believed that the people who belong to the same social class share similar social positions, similar ways of thinking and life styles, others oppose this idea and believe that we cannot generalize characteristic of the people to one another. Social class creates a hierarchy for the people of e ach class, as a way of identifying which level each person falls in. One of the indications of the social class in America is income in terms of either individual or household and is one of the most important indicators of social class. Most students from working-class homes who are striving to better their situations in life become discouraged at the many obstacles in their paths†(Henslin 383). Families who have two income earners are in a better position for their children to succeed in school. Per capita income, which means the amount of money allocated to each individual member, is also another important determinant in social stratification. It can be said the families who have fewer members are in a better position.Another indication in social stratification is education in which there is a relation with the occupation and income. Higher education means that one needs money and to pay tuition, so it is clear that most of the time the families who are better off can afford a better education for their children, they can pay for better schools and private schools, colleges and universities. As the result there is connection between money and education for a higher chance to succeed.One of the most prominent features of social class is culture, people of the same social class tend to have similar ways of behavior even though this behavior and culture is not something fixed. There is diversity inside the same social group as well. One of the important terms in American culture and literature is the concept of Social Status. Another important characteristic of American social class is achieved status rather than the described statues, it means that regardless of his or her original statues, one can become rich and successful and climb the social ladder.But in reality this idealistic view cannot be completely true, many people of color are still suffering the racial prejudices and as a result they cannot have the proper education and a good occupation whi ch is perhaps the most important class component. These people have lower income and the cycle will continue to the later generations. Despite the existing injustice and inequalities, America is considered land of opportunity. Thought this belief is exaggerated, Americans have improved their economic situation with their hard working and persistence. Despite what sociologists call a â€Å"deficit of cultural capital,†through determined hard work, native ability, and perseverance some members of the working class manage to attain social mobility†(Henslin 383). The different social classes can define one’s income, occupation, and the kind of friends one would make, usually these classes do not mix socially, the upper classes will not mingle with lower middle classes and middle classes tend not to associate with low/poor classes.From the sociological perspectives, regarding symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory, to feminism and gender equality , to social stratification, these similar aspects of sociology define how we as humans perceive each other and how society is structured into different classes and how gender plays a important role in society. Sociology has different perspectives from each sociologist, ranging from Max Weber to Durkheim to Frazier to Karl Marx. Society works on a basis of how each member of it chooses to act, and how the certain classes interact with each other and form us, as human beings. Similar essay: Our Changing Society
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Global Leader in Foreign Direct Investments Essay
This dissertation focused on the Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) of India relative to China, together with its competitive advantages and the underlying factors which set them apart. In addition, strategies in which India can further strengthen its competitive advantage were elaborated together with the best approaches to keep at par or surpass China in terms of its FDI dominance. This chapter presented the background of the research problem, the research questions that the dissertation aimed to answer, significance of the study, the dissertation’s adopted research design and methodology, together in which how the sections in this dissertation were organized. 1. 1 Background of the Problem The surge of foreign direct investments in Asian countries is primarily determined by the privatization and at the same time the globalization of production. The degree of political stability, government policies, together with trade and investment regimes allowed host countries to be very open in terms of FDI investments. Due to the liberalization of the developing countries’ economies, the Global Development Finance of the World Bank in 1999 claimed that FDI flows to developing countries have increased more than six times (Chakraborty and Basu, 2002). Foreign direct investments have bloomed for both China and India by more than 1,500 percent between 1990 and in the recent years, and both countries have growing domestic considerable consumer markets, both economies are starting to produce higher value products and develop networks to maintain competitive advantages beyond mere cost (Laudiciana and White, 2005). Both India and China share the same level of competitiveness in terms of FDI attractiveness among multinational companies. However, it could be noted that India or China being a more favorable destination for FDIs should be closely taken into consideration. It could be noted that there are business ventures that are proven to be more profitable exclusively in only one of the countries even though the aforementioned offers the same services. On another perspective, specific business ventures could experience a relatively highly specialized output given for instance that such would be deployed in the right geographic location (Laudiciana and White, 2005). It could be noted that India has undergone remarkable international integration and development over the past few years. Since 1991, after the external payment crisis in India, there has been liberalization of various policies implemented by the government. In turn, the current investment climate has attracted many foreign investors in the country in various sectors. As such it is with this respect that competitive advantages possessed both by India with China, could be noted as it plays a vital role in terms of the success and eventually business profitability. On the other hand, it could be traced back that China started its state-led modernization reform in the late 1970s after many years of operating according to the Soviet model. Contrasting this to India, the aforementioned’s main reform started after 1991 after which relied largely on the private sector. China’s FDI mainly consists of capital intensive flows whereas India’s FDI is mainly skill intensive (Laudiciana and White, 2005). The impact of such investment has on the domestic economy and the experience of the multinationals with the overall business environment in the sub continent is very vital. Thus it becomes necessary to study the impact of such inflows as it has important policy implications. 1. 2 Research Questions The dissertation aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the factors that differentiate India’s and China’s FDI performances that influence the inflows and stocks of the aforementioned? 2. What are the effects of FDI inflows and stocks to the economy of India? 3. How will India develop a competitive advantage in terms of its FDI and take over China as a leader in FDI in the future?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Industry analysis Essays - Management, Strategic Management
Industry analysis Essays - Management, Strategic Management Industry analysis is a process that is characterized with the attempt of entrepreneurs to study and evaluate the current business environment. It is obvious, that every businessperson who wants to start his business should conduct industry analysis attentively. The main idea of industry analysis is to understand whether the current situation on the market and political situation in the country are safe for business. This issue is very important for small business that is very vulnerable to any changes of this kind. Industry analysis is an integral part of a business plan and when an entrepreneur wants to start his small business, he studies the market, its components, political freedom and social issues that influence success of every business. This analysis starts with the profound research of competitors. One should know his rivals well in order to be able to co-exist with them. If there are several small competitors, this situation is favorable for business, because all these rivals have equal chances for success. When there is a big corporation on the market, it will be very hard to compete with its huge ambitions. Next, one should study if there are substitute goods on the market. If ones production is original, he receives competitive advantage over his rivals. Next, one should learn if there is political support towards small business. When a state provides entrepreneurs with the support of this kind, its business environment is considered to be favorable. It is natural, that the situation on the market is changing constantly, so every big company conducts industry analysis several times per year. Small business conducts this analysis seasonably in order to keep its financial situation under control. Industry analysis is a good topic for analysis, because a student learns about the relevance of this document for the creation of a business plan. When you need to prepare a term paper about industry analysis, you should pay attention to its components, its urgency and its importance for small and middle business. You should write about such issues as competition on the market, political situation in the country, the problem of supply and demand, etc. Moreover, you are able to provide your teacher with a few examples of industry analysis conducted by small and big business. Every student requires original piece of help with term paper writing, because this process consumes much time and nerves. If you want to learn how to write your term paper effectively and how to research your subject from the right approach, you are able to read a free university term paper example on industry analysis written by a well-educated and multitasking expert.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
UNH Admissions Data and Acceptance Rate
UNH Admissions Data and Acceptance Rate With an acceptance rate of 76 percent, the University of New Hampshire is accessible to many applicants. Students with good grades and test scores are likely to be admitted. To apply, interested students will need to submit an application, official high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, and a letter of recommendation. Art and music students will need to submit additional materialscheck the schools website for more information. The school accepts the Common Application, which can save applicants time and energy when applying to multiple schools that use that application. W ill you get in? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) University of New Hampshire Acceptance Rate: 76 percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for UNHTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 490 / 590SAT Math: 500 / 610SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanNew Hampshire colleges SAT comparisonAmerica East Conference SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 22 / 27ACT English: 22 / 27ACT Math: 22 / 27What these ACT numbers meanNew Hampshire colleges ACT comparisonAmerica East Conference ACT score comparison UNH Description The University of New Hampshires main campus is located in Durham, a seacoast town with a population similar to the university. Boston is about an hour away, as is excellent skiing in the White Mountains. The university has an 18 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and high achieving and motivated students should check out the opportunities available through the Honors Program. For its academic strengths, UNH was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. In athletics, the UNH Wildcats compete in the NCAA Division I Colonial Athletic Association for football, and the America East Conference for many other sports. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 15,188 (12,857 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 46 percent male / 54 percent female97 percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $17,624 (in-state); $31,424 (out-of-state)Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $10,938Other Expenses: $2,438Total Cost: $32,200 (in-state); $46,000 (out-of-state) UNH Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 85 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 70 percentLoans: 71 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $12,196Loans: $10,169 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business Administration, Communication Studies, English, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Nursing, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation, Retention and Transfer Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 86 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 67 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 78 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Football, Ice Hockey, Skiing, Basketball, Cross Country, SoccerWomens Sports: Lacrosse, Skiing, Soccer, Basketball, Gymnastics, Field Hockey If You Like UNH, You May Also Like These Schools: University of Vermont: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphQuinnipiac University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphRoger Williams University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphEndicott College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSyracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPlymouth State University: Profile University of Connecticut: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUMass - Amherst: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Maine: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Describe your understanding of student centred learning and how your Essay
Describe your understanding of student centred learning and how your skills development at university can improve your curriculu - Essay Example 1). To direct the path towards the accomplishment of this mission, CCCU envisioned â€Å"provide a comprehensive range of corporate information services that meet the current and future needs of the CCCU community. These services will combine well understood and definitive sources of corporate information, powerful reporting tools, specific applications and integration and automation platforms to form a corporate information â€Å"engine†driving a multitude of business processes†(CCCU: Vision, 2009, pars. 1 & 2). Concurrent with the university’s mission and vision, my understanding of their holistic and multidimensional approach in teaching is supportive of the student centered learning approach. O’Neill and McMahon (2005) cited Kember (1997) as defining student centered learning as â€Å"knowledge is constructed by students and that the lecturer is a facilitator of learning rather than a presenter of information†(p. 255). A precondition to this approach was qualified by Rogers (1983, p. 188) who averred that â€Å"... ... learning approach by specifically and explicitly stating the aims, learning outcomes, and the module programmes, in conjunction with an identified module leader and seminar tutors. The module programmes are structured in a clear and well designed manner that indicates schedules in week number, dates, topics and required readings. By providing the overall theoretical framework, module leaders envision to provide directions and guidelines towards structured presentation of topics that could be absorbed and understood at the given time frame. As student learning gives opportunities for students to enhance learning skills at their own discretion, under the governance and guidance of mentors and tutors, students must become aware that the scope and depth of learning depends on their personal commitment for personal and professional growth. In this regard, to expand my personal understanding of student centered learning, I gained the following inputs to be shared in this discourse, to wit: Lea et al. (2003, p.322) â€Å"summarises some of the literature on student-centred learning to include the followings tenets: (1) the reliance on active rather than passive learning; (2) an emphasis on deep learning and understanding; (3) increased responsibility and accountability on the part of the student; (4) an increased sense of autonomy in the learner; (5) an interdependence between teacher and learner; (6) mutual respect within the learner teacher relationship; and (7) and a reflexive approach to the teaching and learning process on the part of both teacher and learner†(cited by O’Neill & McMahon, 2005). The increased proactive stance, responsibility and accountability placed in the hands of the students differentiate this approach from the traditional teacher centered
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