Monday, September 30, 2019
Effectiveness of Celebrity in Brand Endorsement Essay
I receive enormous delight in thanking MKT 619 Instructor for permitting me to carry on work later than accepting my proposal for this project. I would like also like to situation my heartiest thanks to every one staff member of Virtual University for their kind support, guidance and useful suggestions, during my two years MBA with this University. I would like to thanks the Mobilink Indigo Telenor Persona Pakistan to support me during project. I would like to put into words my warm thanks to my parents for their blessings, my collaborator and my friends for their help for doing well completion of this project. Executive Summary This project is all about the primary research about the topic of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement. This project describes that relationship by making the comparison between the two leading telecommunication companies of Pakistan i. e. Mobilink and Telenor. The package which I selected for my research of these telecommunication companies are Post paid package. For Mobilink I selected Mobilink-Indigo and for Telenor, I selected Telenor-Persona. Moreover these packages are running very effectively and gathered more customers in the country. Both companies are very mature in the telecommunication market sector of Pakistan. The major difference is the customization of the package which is launched by both companies. Mobilink Indigo acquire large market share as compared to Telenor-Persona. Now as far as the Research topic is concerned, the marketing of the both packages is done well by the respective companies. In the advertisement of Mobilink Indigo, Mobilink hired Shan (a leading Pakistani film actor) and in advertisement of Telenor Persona, Telenor hired Sohail Ahmed (a leading actor of TV, film and stage) and Babar Ali (a good film actor). Basically, the post-paid packages are designed for the corporate customers so both the companies portray a business atmosphere in their respective advertisements. A most important factor that the telecommunication companies will decide before launching the advertisement is the choice of the celebrity and the relationship of the personality with the atmosphere of the condition in which the advertisement will be performed. In this research, I first of all describe various factors that affect the relationship of Effectiveness of celebrity with brand endorsement and after that I researched on those factors by filling the questionnaires from the respondents from Lahore, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat and nearby areas. After gathering the primary data from the respondents and secondary data from other resources like newspapers, catalogues etc a statistical analysis including descriptive statistics and Regression analysis is applied and give the results. As we identify all, that there is a immense competition in their advertisement and this has previously taken the main part of income away. As per market experts nearer or later on there will be a great competition between the two companies as the values wars have go into extremely severe era plus it has become the query of support. Our secondary research includes the quality, branding, corporate social responsibility, atmosphere and the seasonal conditions. While primary research is focused on the Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement in near future 1. 2 Background of the project: Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement is essentially related to my present job and this will lead to do my project. The corporations that are allocating for comparison of usefulness of celebrity in brand endorsement for my final project are Mobilink Pakistan and Telenor Pakistan. These are main cellular corporations authorize the Pakistani citizens with the nearly all relevant message approach and services. This study has appeared on the exploration of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement which has gained most important market share in Pakistan. 1. 3 Company’s introduction: Mobilink Indigo: [pic] Mobilink, a subordinate of the Orascom Telecom property, is Pakistan’s show the way cellular and Blackberry tune-up provider. In the company of more than 31. 6 million subscribers, Mobilink uphold market management throughout cutting-edge, included expertise, the strongest trademark and the biggest collection of price added services in the business, a broadband delivery service separation providing subsequently creation internet technology as well as the nation’s largest tone of voice and data system with further than eight thousand cell position. Accommodation Pakistan’s largest sharing and contact centre set of connections and an incomparable sixty five thousand kilometers fiber optic spine, Mobilink has previously spend more than US $3. 3 billion in the state to date and provide continuous nationwide connectivity, unmatched client services and worldwide wandering in over one fourth four countries. The company is also the executive cellular associate of the Pakistan Cricket panel. As an accountable corporate civilian, Mobilink also present a range of publicly inclusive products along with services enthusiastic to improve access to in order. Through Mobilink groundwork, the companies support instruction, health and environmental program and encourage sustainable industry practice. Mobilink offers completely designed duty plans that cater to the announcement needs of a varied group of people, from persons to businessmen to business and international. To achieve this goal, we recommend equally postpaid (Indigo) as well as prepaid (JAZZ) way out to our clientele. Compared to our competitors, both the postpaid (Indigo) and prepaid (JAZZ) trademark are the largest trademark of their type in the Pakistan cellular manufacturing. In addition to as long as superior voice message services that create the lives of millions with the purpose of much simple, we also suggest a congregation of value-added-services to our high-quality clientele. All together, Mobilink places far above the ground significance to its coverage, which is why we face you in 10,000 plus towns and city countrywide as well as over 140 nations on international roaming tune-up. In other words, we talk your words, all over. Telenor persona: [pic] Telenor Pakistan is hundred percent hold by Telenor ASA along with ads on to its process in Asia in somebody’s company with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh. Telenor Pakistan start on its procedure in March two thousand five as the on its own largest through European asset in Pakistan, location superiority for more overseas investments in the telecom segment The company has fractious many high point and full-fledged in a number of information, create Telenor Pakistan a leading telecom worker of the state. Telenor is the greatest rising mobile system in the country, with coverage accomplishment deep into many of the furthest areas of Pakistan. In the most not easy terrains of the state, from the northern region to the wilderness in the south Telenor, spend heavily in communications growth With USD2 billion by now spend, with extended contract with their wholesaler for network growth and services. Telenor have a set of connections of twenty three company owned deal and service midpoint, more than two hundred franchisees as well as some one lack retail channel. The Telenor cluster is a worldwide provider of far above the ground superiority telecom, data and media message services with mobile procedure in thirteen markets crosswise the Nordic area, Central along with Eastern Europe as well as in Asia. The Telenor Group is in the middle of the biggest mobile operators in the globe with over one forty-three million mobile contributions and a labor force of more or less fourth thousand. Telenor Pakistan is hundred percent be the owner of by Telenor ASA as well as adds on to its action in Asia. 1. 4List of competitors: The main competitors for Mobilink-Indigo and Telenor- Persona are given below: †¢ Ufone-Postpay †¢ Zong-Postpaid †¢ Warid-Zahi 1. 5 Objectives of the project: The Objectives of this project is to make available the Comparison of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement for the 2 main Telecom companies of Pakistan i. e. Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona. The project will center of attention the following objectives: †¢ To determine customer’s perception about celebrity (Shan) for endorsement of Mobilink Indigo. †¢ To determine customer’s perception about celebrity (Jamal Shah or other) for endorsement of Telenor Persona. To compare customer’s perception about aforementioned celebrities for endorsement of selected brands. 1. 6 Significance of the project: †¢ During my project, I will also cover customer Information survey about their preference of celebrity with brand endorsement between Mobilink Indigo and Telenor Persona.  While this study will provide comparison within two telecommunication companies with an overall picture that will help the marketing managers of these companies to made their ads better and interesting. †¢ The study will help the two companies for the future market placement of their services. Cellular telecommunication companies are now highly competitive industries in Pakistan. Chapter 2: Advertising Strategy 2. 1Marketing Mix The project covers Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona an appropriate marketing mix 4Ps i. e. Product, Coast/Price, Place as well as Promotion. (Product There are various services recommend by both companies. A number of general services are the following: †¢ Internet Services, Common Packet means of communication Services †¢ Small communication Services Caller Line recognition †¢ Tone of voice post †¢ Receiver Book investor Price: Price is the majority necessary feature of the marketing mix. It is the only that generate sales income for an exacting company while recounting their expenses. Both companies bring in a fine cost to its client and persuade the others for control on their set of connections and perform make inquiries consumer’s view on the subject of pricing as well as what they would like to reimburse. The Brand differs time to time and Mobilink and Telenor also suggest on incident base service in the vein of Ramadan tie together, Eid tie together etc. to their end user. (Place: Place anxiety with various systems and forms of accessibility of the Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement throughout diverse franchise and place of work. It composes their services provide for the purchaser’s at any time and where ever they need. Mobilink indigo has a broad system of sharing service in Pakistan. But Telenor persona has not to broad system of sharing as compare to Mobilink indigo and both companies services are available throughout their examine centers situated in all country. Franchises obtain well-situated for vendor to formulate the services obtainable to end users. (Promotion: Promotion means the method of communicate with your customers. Promotion formulates strong client’s buying authority and makes consumers buy choice easier. Mobilink indigo be appropriate heavy price associated with endorsement or publicity merchandise ; services. Doing well promotion add to deal so that services and other outlay are extend over a superior output. 2. 2Market segmentation strategies Market segmentation strategies are as followed under †¢ Sales dimensions/ No of customers: Mainly the project base on comparison of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement it also primarily focal point the services of its clientele. The choice of purchaser and the means depends on the volume of clientele in that area. Mobilink indigo subscriber 31. 6 million (Approx) Telenor persona Telecom24. 7 million (Approx) †¢ Geographic Place This is the nearly everyone other most significant feature, equally the companies offered their item for consumption to the entire region of Pakistan. Generally they focus on big Cities i. e. Gujranwala, Karachi, Lahore as well as Islamabad. Punjab Sindh Balochistan Khyber Pakhtonkhan Azad Jammu ; Kashmir †¢ Physical Limitations Within Pakistan there are no boundary describe to make available the services by both companies. No such condition is stand in services about Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement of this corporation as yet it can go from corner to corner the state edge. †¢ Revenue This feature does not persuade the company marketplace segmentation policy 2. 3Target marketing strategies Mobilink Indigo Every region take account of AJK of Pakistan residents is the goal marketplace, each person in Pakistan desire to make use of mobile that make a wide goal market for the services area. At this time Mobilink indigo has in the order of Fifty million cellular subscribers. Mobilink indigo objective about Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement is to imprison all section of its marketplace , early age kids , youthful, aged, undergraduate , expert, industry peoples, Mobilink indigo has modify selection of all these group of students of consumer. Within Pakistan the majority of the residents are based on middle class so Mobilink indigo is mostly focus aim their services are middle class popular. Following are the target marketing strategies of Mobilink indigo. Decreased value sales There are various diverse packages has been launch to thrust the purchaser to use the invention greatest. These packages also facilitate the client to control from one system to any more. Inducement on usage There are many inducement bring in to use the maximum services for example by calling initial two minutes the after that five minutes are without charge of price. Inducement on control to set of connections To give confidence the client Mobilink indigo as well as Telenor persona obtainable inducement to customers like free of charge minutes and without charge sms for a precise era. Telenor Persona Telenor persona market strategy is to focal point on to increase in number of subscriber through out the world and also focus to develop our leading position in certain regions with a broad range of communication services Following are the target marketing strategies of Telenor persona. To strengthen our location in certain province Telenor Persona try to strength our location in certain province for provide different service to our customer for target market. Focusing on the Customer’s section Focusing on the Customer’s segments means to build packages through extensive and aggressive study skill like because of its large incident as it is one of the establish in services, so they use their effective services and come up with so many packages in that state that is useful for kind of citizens. 2. 4Advertising objectives of the Company The advertising objectives are the following There are less ads being run for Telenor Persona in comparison to the Mobilink indigo. The reason for this is that the main objective is to keep a favorable brand image in the eyes of the corporate clients and there is not too much bombardment of ads. Also the ads are meant to enhance the postpaid users by offering them innovative services like internet, emailing, etc. The objective of Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona to make the services separate from others and to convince on the customers Mobilink indigo increase market share and to push brand favorite and to be a focus for maximum customers as well as to attain the association objective through services 2. 5Message strategy: For each brand and for a number of adverts for these brands there are different message strategies are used. Telenor-Persona The equivalent case is with Telenor, they modify their message executive method regularly to keep away from their customers other public get uninterested. For example Telenor used â€Å"technological proficiency†and â€Å"picture†which helps citizens smile on their visage. 2. 7 Reach, frequency and impact Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona to his most excellent to present their services to their customer and contributor it has a sensible budget for encouragement.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
An advice leaflet for teenagers on how to lead a healthier lifestyle
To start with, if you want to look good and stay fit, you should exercise and eat a healthy and balanced diet. Today, 25% of the world’s population are dying from heart disease which is caused by fat blocking the artery which carries blood that goes to the heart and that’s how people die. You can stop this problem by exercising. What good will this do to you? Well, when you run or do any sort of exercise, your body will burn the fat and make you feel lighter. You can argue with me that fat is needed for keeping you warm in the winter. True, but it’s needed in limited amounts. If you exercise, it exercises not only your body but also your heart and will also control your breathing rate. Secondly, you should eat a balanced diet. That is eat carbohydrates: bread, cornflakes, wheat etc. more every day to give you energy to start your day; vitamins and minerals- fruit and veg to boost up your immune system: defence for your body to protect you against harmful diseases and fats and oils for storage and warmth in your body- e.g. chocolate. You should also eat proteins e.g. egg for growth and repair of cells. Thirdly, you should get out, cycle or play football with your friends and feel the fresh, clean and pure breeze rushing on to your face and making you feel refreshed. It also gives you a break from study and calms your mind from stress. You should at least go out for an hour every day. So overall what I am trying to do is to get you all to agree with me that you should exercise, get outside and feel the fresh air and eat a balanced diet for your healthy lifestyle, healthy body and healthy mind. Pictures to fit the above points: An unfit body: A fit body: Let’s see what you have learned. Fill in the quick quiz below: 1. What do you need in order to have a healthy diet? 2. What do you need to do in order to remain fit? 3. What does going outside to play etc. do to you? Submit your answers no later than Tuesday 7th February 2011 on this address: 12, Fitchburg province, Tennessee, US 00345 Website-
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Dissertation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Dissertation - Essay Example This research paper provides with an overview of aims and objectives that basically drive the researcher to carry out this research with full devotion and sincere effort. After that it incorporates background of the study that highlights that why it was important for the researcher to carry out research on this particular topic. Important reasons behind studying the social impact of tourism on Manchester were highlighted in this chapter. The impacts of tourism have been reasonably well researched, particularly from the environmental and economic perspectives. More recently, attention has turned to exploring the social impacts of tourism and important research is emerging in this area. According to Mathieson and Wall, (1982, p.133) â€Å"the social and cultural impacts of tourism are the ways in which tourism is contributing to changes in value systems, individual behavior, family relationships, collective lifestyles, safety levels, moral conduct, creative expressions, traditional ceremonies and community organizations.†This report will focus on the research of attitudes and opinions of the residents of Manchester in terms of the social impacts of tourism on their lives and town. According to Butler (1974, p.103) â€Å"it is possible to breakdown the social impact into three generalized area, relating to the resources used by local residents, their economic wellbeing, and their life styles. Research into the social impacts of tourism on a community also suggests that â€Å"a number of factors influence the level of impact. For example, factors such as the state of the local economy, the maturity of the tourism destination, and the level of community attachment have been found to influence the level of impact of tourism activities.†(Gursoy, Jurowski and Uysal 2002) In Manchester, social contacts between tourists and local people results in mutual appreciation, understanding, tolerance, awareness, learning, family bonding respect, and liking. Residents
Friday, September 27, 2019
Technology with Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technology with Business - Essay Example It is used to automate the payroll functions. As a result of this automation, Microcel has been able to reduce the level of paperwork to a substantial level. Another module is attendance which in combination with biometrics automatically tracks employee attendance records. These software modules are tested in-house and therefore the HR processes which are standardized are automated. This saves a considerable level of costs. The company operates in a highly competitive industry and the use of cost-saving technology enables it to develop a competitive advantage. Technology in sales and marketing Because the software development industry is characterized by high competition, Microcel must attempt to provide solutions which deliver a high level of value. By employing information technology, the company improves operational efficiency and therefore is able to provide great customer service. According to the sales manager, the implementation of information technology enables his sales forc e to stay in constant touch with the customers, thus creating an efficient communications system. Because the company is in the business of providing IT services, it has the infrastructure which can incorporate the latest IT technology. This also serves as a unique selling proposition. The clients can see the software technology function at Microcel and thus make their purchase decisions. Therefore the use of IT enables Microcel not only to improve the efficiency of operational processes within the company but also to demonstrate the products to the clients. In this manner the software products not only generate revenue but also save costs. As mentioned before, the company operates in a competitive industry. There are quite a number of other companies which are developing human resource software. Other companies such as Trinet and Administaff are also developing human resource software. Therefore Microcel has to develop the best products in the industry so that it can continue to wi n market share away from other competitors. Because competitors like Trinet and Administaff are already well entrenched in the market, it may not be possible for a smaller company like Microcel to compete with them. Therefore the strategic focus of the company has been to focus upon those segments of the market which have not been using software products up to this time. These smaller companies do not have the resources to make massive cash outlays for purchasing software products. For this reason Microcel has focused upon minimizing product development costs. This allows the company to offer products at a relatively lower cost, thus making them affordable to the smaller companies which have not considered installing human resource information systems. Technology in human resource management At Microcel , the employees are considered to be the most important assets. Therefore the management focuses upon maintaining a motivated work force. Since the company operates in a competitive environment, it has to create a sustainable competitive advantage. According to Porter’s framework for competitive strategies, a company can implement the strategies of cost minimization, differentiation and focus to create a competitive advantage. However the competing organizations can also implement these same strategies and therefore none of the companies has a competitive edge any longer. On the other hand, if the organizational culture serves as the source of the competitive edge, then it becomes sustainable
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Police Training Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Police Training - Research Paper Example In addition, they are charged with the special tasks like surveillance, VIP protection, child protection, and counter terrorism. They are also offered training about how to perform investigation on major crimes such as rape, drug trafficking, murder, and fraud cases. However, police officers are anticipated to react very rapidly to a range of scenarios that may arise and intervene an incident of crime either when on or off duty. Rules and regulations states how a police officer should respond and perform within the society. In some nations, regulations and rules states that police officer is anticipated to appear in an incident of crime, even if they are on leave (Johnson, 2007). Additionally, at the crime scene, the police officer is assigned the duty to collect evidence concerning the crime investigations as well as identifying the witnesses to show evidence in the court of law. They also offer first aid to the injured person in accidents like car crashes and shoot outs. They must obtain a written document from the scene of an accident. Another important duty of the police officer is to escort the criminals to and from the court during their trials, remove the wreckage from the scene of an accident as well as controlling the traffic. ... Entry Qualifications and promotion of police Recruitment of police officers usually follows the common procedure, and candidates must have undertaken some formal education. There are personality characteristics that have been used to identify the desirability of police applicant such as honesty, neuroticism, extroversn, carefulness, and friendliness as suggested by (Pope, 1981). While, the undesirable characteristics of police are; hostility, obsession, lack of impulse control, fear or suspicion, and substance abuse. Before training of police starts, the aforementioned are considered to be the best qualifications as far as character is concerned. Before receiving promotions to the higher positions especially from constable to inspectors or sergeants, a scheme has been developed whereby people who hold university degrees are considered and must spend two to three years serving the position as constables. Recruitment of police is also conducted from those who have security services or military experience. For instance, Johnson illustrated that in the United States, state laws may relates to the qualification standards in regardless of education, age, training, and status of criminal record though in other nations qualification requirements are set by local police agencies (2007). However, for one to get promotion to the higher rank, he or she must attend and pass some kind of interview board, examination, or other procedures of selections. Even though promotion generally entails salary increase, it again includes with it an increase in responsibility and mainly, an improvement of administrative rules and regulations. Generally upon the completion of two years of service, specialist
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Barbie Doll Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Barbie Doll Advertisement - Essay Example The market segmentation and semiotic analysis of Barbie advertisement for pre-tween girls reveal that their advertisement is geared towards the dominant ideology which promotes the ideal image of female beauty and body type. In America, prior to 1959, most dolls were either infants or toddlers. The Barbie doll was the first adult doll toy. She was adopted from the German doll Bild Lilli. The creator of the Barbie doll, Handler, was inspired by her daughter, who was giving adult roles to paper dolls to create a doll with a mature body. The Barbie doll was named after Handler’s daughter Barbara. Since then Barbie dolls became very popular among girls. The toy market took advantage of a child’s desire for â€Å"the whole spectrum of character licensed products†(Coulter, 2014, p.417) and as a result, they created a license for character products, which allow Barbie’s doll image to appear on clothes, magazines, board games and later on online games. As Coulter (2014) notes, the market for children is divided into segments based on the age and gender of the child (p.417). The purpose of market segmentation in such categories as boys/girls, infants, babies, and toddlers is to sell more products. If a child uses the same toy without wanting a new one, then toy producers will have less profit. Therefore, the market is divided not just into gender, but also into age categories. For example, pre-tween boys are interested in Transformers and Hot Wheels, while girls are interested in Bratz and Barbie dolls. Younger boys are interested in Spiderman and girls are interested in Strawberry Shortcake. Market segmentation was created not only to understand the audiences and consumers but also to create a constant need for new products. Using the Barbie advertisement, illustrated on page 6, I will demonstrate how market segmentation works in practice.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Ethics in Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics in Human Resource Management - Essay Example .. Any other form of imprudent or non-diligent conduct by a financial advisor or any failure to protect client’s interests contravenes these duties and constitutes a breach of the fiduciary relationship (Koslowski, 2009, p. 39) Similarly, bankers will have to devise approaches that will not only cater to the needs of their clients but also comply with the needs of the â€Å"society as a whole†(Clerk, 2011 p. 5). Customers are the most important asset of a business, and they must be dealt with the most efficient way possible. Nevertheless, social responsibility should not be taken for granted; thus, â€Å"practitioners of ethical banking make the choice to only finance projects and organizations that contribute to a more sustainable society and they define absolute criteria about who they will lend money to†(Clerck, 2011 p. 5). There are several approaches that a bank may sustain in order to strengthen the aforementioned values in its employees. It may employ a â€Å"Customer Satisfaction Appraisal†program that will give opportunities for clients to voice out their opinion on the services provided, as well as their evaluation of the specific bank officer that handles each of their account.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Case Study on Comparison of Crowdfunding Sites
On Comparison of Crowdfunding Sites - Case Study Example This is an especially crucial aspect of a Crowdfunding website considering most visitors look for features such as supported projects, the Crowdfunding program’s history, and operating model (Kickstarter Inc., 2015). However, considering contemporary websites place these links at the bottom of the homepage, it is understandable for Kickstarter to follow this trend. Indiegogo’s website took nearly half a minute to load, which is an indication of high traffic. The homepage has a layout nearly identical to that of Kickstarter in terms of the arrangement and the selection of links at the top, middle, and bottom of the page. Similar to Kickstarter, Indiegogo’s site has a few links at the top, which include a search bar, sign up and sign in options, â€Å"Explore,†and â€Å"How It Works†(Indiegogo Inc., 2015). The middle of the homepage also mimics a news section that displays the most recent developments for project starters and potential funders. However, unlike Kickstarter, Indiegogo’s site includes several additional sections dedicated to praising the site’s most successful project placers, funders, and the website itself. These sections are â€Å"Trending Now,†â€Å"Personal Fundraiser Spotlight,†and â€Å"why Indiegogo†(Indiegogo Inc., 2015). The bottom of the page has links fo r assisting users interested in starting their individual campaigns or knowing more about Indiegogo as a Crowdfunding platform. Kickstarter does not thoroughly describe a compelling need for the project to be funded. The home page focuses on the best selections by the campaign staff, which includes the number of pledged, funded, and supporters available for given projects. In the page â€Å"Projects We Love archive,†Kickstarter merely lists the best projects in need of funding while using the project starters’ descriptions alone to persuade potential funders (Kickstarter Inc., 2015).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Relocating a Hamptons Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Relocating a Hamptons Store - Essay Example Early Planning The following discussion evaluates the plans that Hamptons on High Street has to moving to an existing building in order to take advantage of a better location with higher visibility and more space for inventory as it is received, stored, and put out onto the floor. This evaluation will provide context for the ways in which construction issues are addressed, providing charts and potentials for the project in an examination of the management of the build. One of the most important parts of creating a project of the size of refitting a building in order to move the Hamptons store to a better location is fully organising the project and planning for unexpected delays in order to best utilize the time that is available so that contingency plans can mitigate risks. Through an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the plan, the project appears to be an advantage to the store and well planned. 1.1 Ghant Chart The following chart provides for the established schedule f rom the week of February 13, the date the building contractor will have access to the building, to the end of the project. The organisation of the build has been determined by information gathered by Tony Peterson is Technical Co-ordinator for Construction Services in the Store Development Group. The problem with the build schedule is that a great deal is riding on the accomplishment of all of the electric and mechanical within the first week of construction, which does not allow much time for issues that may arise that could delay the project (see Figure 1). A better solution would be to overlap some of the processes so that there is time to make sure the build can be accomplished through a more balanced program. Figure 2 shows a revised chart that can provide for some time allowances for issues as they arise. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electric  Mechanical  Sprinkler Services  CCTV  Design Features      Ceiling Grid     F looring      Equipment      Doors  Refrigeration  Dressing   Figure 1 Tony’s Estimation of Construction In the revised version, the electric and the mechanical work are given two weeks, the allowance of extra time actually allowing for the probable occasion of problems that might delay the work. Through positioning the CCTV and the Sprinkler Services in the second week, the first week of construction is allowed open for the electric and mechanical, the goal of being prepped for those two installations in the first week providing for appropriate time to anticipate what might go wrong. Equipment and flooring should overlap as some will be placed before the flooring is done, and other would be placed after the flooring is done. In addition, in providing for two additional weeks, design changes as problems arise in relationship to the fact that this is a refit. Although previous planning can avoid most problems, it is likely that some will occur as reworking the existing building progresses. Although the build has been determined through an existing plan this might allow for more risk management where certain more unpredictable concepts are considered. However, budgetary concerns must also be taken into consideration. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Electric   Mechanical   Sprinkler Services  CCTV  Design Features      Ceiling Grid   Flooring      Equipment      Automatic Doors  Refrigera
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Hitler Social Problem Essay Example for Free
Hitler Social Problem Essay The topic I will be researching as my social problem will be World War Two and Hitler. This topic reminds me of the quote I’ve chosen by Abraham Lincoln, â€Å"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. †This reminds me of Hitler because Hitler was a descent man before he gained power. In this social problem Hitler holds the power. He is able to control a whole army and make them kill the Jewish people. I will be talking about Hitler’s early years his time during war how he controlled his army and so much more. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria on April 20 in 1889 he had six siblings. By the time he was three his family moved from to Germany. When Hitler was a chided h clashed often with his father. Hitler was detached and introverted he differed from his father, because his father didn’t approve of Hitler’s interest in art rather than business. Hitler also showed an interested in German nationalism. The nationalism was his motivating force in his life. Once Hitler was a young man he worked as a watercolor painter and casual laborer. He applied to the Academy of Fine Arts and got rejected twice. He lived in a homeless shelter for several years. During the time of WWI Hitler applied to serve in Germany’s army he was accepted in August of 1914. Hitler was a decorated soldier he had received a metal for bravery, Iron Cross First Class, and Black Wound Badge. Hitler wasn’t satisfied with the collapse of the war effort this reinforced his passion for Germany patriotism; he was shocked by Germanys surrender in 1918. He believed that the German army was betrayed by civilian leaders and Marxists. After WWI Hitler returned home and continued work for the military as an intelligence officer. Hitler was invited to join DAP (the German workers party) and he did in 1919. In 1921 Hitler replaced Drexler as the new DAP; NSDAP Chairman. In front of 3000 people at a large beer hall in Munich Hitler announced that the national revolution had begun and declared a new formation of a new government. Three days after this Hitler was arrested and tried for high treason he had a year in prison. During this time he written his first book â€Å"Mein Kampf Vol. 1†this book outlined his plans to transform German society into a society based on race. Hitler’s rise to power begins, The Great Depression in Germany provided Hitler with a great political opportunity. The Germans were more open to extremist options in government because their faith in their current government is failing. Hitler used this to his advantage. After Hitler lost the presidency vote he was appointed as chancellor in order to promote political balance. He used his position to form legal dictatorship. Having gained control mover legislative and executive branches of Government, Hitler and his political allies embarked on a systematic suppression of the rest of the political opposition. By the end of June the other parties disbanded. After July 1933 Hitler’s Nazi party was the only legal political party in Germany. The day before Hindenburg’s death in August of 1934 the cabinet had made a law inactivating the office of president and leaving all the power to the chancellor. Hitler thus becoming head of state, and was named as Germany’s leader and chancellor. As head of state Hitler had full control of the armed forces. Hitler withdrew from the League of Nations. Thus concluding his rise to power. Hitler’s beliefs were a nation for racial hygiene. New laws included banning marriage between non-Jewish and Jewish Germans, and deprived â€Å"non-Aryans†of the benefits of German citizenship. His early eugenic politics targeted children with mental or physical disabilities then later targeting adults with the same disability. More groups the Nazis targeted were the Jewish people, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witness, trade unionists, among others. However Hitler never spoke publicly about the killings of these groups of people. Hitler got people to believe in his beliefs by using the great depression to his advantage, people at this time wanted a change and he provided them with one. He also told people of the conspiracy involving the Jewish people. This was Hitler’s use of ethos in his speeches. This is what convinced people to believe this was the right thing happening. You see Hitler was a descent man as you read in his early years. He was descent until he got power. This is why Hitler reminds me of Abraham Lincoln’s quote â€Å"Nearly all men ca stands adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character give him power. †Hitler was given power, and his character turned sour and ended up killing thousands of people.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Factors That Promote Human Trafficking
Factors That Promote Human Trafficking The trafficking of human is a growing epidemic. It is linked to money laundering, document forgery, drug trafficking and international terrorism. This is not an issue that is discussed at the dinner table, on television and in magazines. It is a direct threat to the national security of the United States because money made from human trafficking is directly linked to the funding of terrorist activities. Because freedom of choice and economic gain are at the heart of productivity, human trafficking impedes national and international economic growth. Within the next 10 years, crime experts expect human trafficking to surpass drug and arms trafficking in its incidence, cost to human well-being, and profitability to criminals (Schauer and Wheaton, 2006:164-165). The emergence of world single market has provided many people around the world with increased prospects of improving their economic plight. Because of this organized crime groups have used this opportunity for personal gain by trafficking other humans. Although the crime of human trafficking is not a new phenomenon, a global single market has increased competition and has intensified the demand for cheaper goods and services worldwide. As a result the impact of globalization and with the possibility for increased profits, it is likely that human trafficking will continue to be a part of human existence. Therefore the United States must recognize any connections between human trafficking and terrorist groups, which are treat to the security of the nation. The issue of the trade or trafficking human beings is still not mainstream as one may think. Most of the publications on this subject have been found to be limited, and analysis of it has largely been based on research reports articles and some coverage by the media. Despite the scarcity and lack of substance of the scientific production in this area, I will try to identify the main parameters of this issue and suggest some areas in which future research is needed. To accomplish this, I am relying primarily on academic works (articles, peer-reviewed periodicals) and research reports and publications. Definition of Human Trafficking The United States is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subject to trafficking in persons. Human trafficking happens in the United States to both U.S. citizens (USCs) and noncitizens, and occurs in every state (Trends in Organized Crime 14, no. 2/3: 267-271). Human trafficking is one of the most pressing issues facing the United States Department of Justice today. It is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion, and resulting in involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery; or commercial sex act, through the use of force, fraud or coercion; or if the person is under 18 years of age, any commercial sex act, whether or not force, fraud or coercion is involved (Wheaton et al). Literature Review In order to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature associated with human trafficking I performed multiple searches of the literature using Google and EBSCOhost search engines. Most of which was done using the EBSCOhost search engine. My initial searches featured a wide array of directly related terms, including: human trafficking, international trafficking, domestic trafficking, sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, child prostitution, commercial sexual exploitation of children, forced labor, labor trafficking, labor exploitation, minor and modern day slavery. Most of the research, particularly research published in peer-reviewed journals, was limited to qualitative and quantitative studies. Information on the needs of trafficking victims and the services provided to this population was limited to information contained in Federal reports, non-peer reviewed journals, manuals and fact sheets. Firstly, I will begin by focusing on the role that organized crime seems to be playing in the development of this phenomenon and the extent of its involvement. After which I will provide a brief overview of the legislation that exists to combat the trade in human beings and some other options to be explored. We will conclude by proposing some avenues for further research. Trafficking is big business, but in many regions of the world, such as Southeast Asia, trafficking involves mostly disorganized crime: individuals or small groups linked on an hoc basis. There is no standard profile of traffickers (Feingold, David). This provided a starting point from which the author shows how traffickers come from different social and economic backgrounds. The author then transition into how trafficking kingpins are rare. However, the author fail to give any evidence to dispute whether or not human-trafficking is controlled by large criminal organizations. As the article progresses, the author transition from describing the groups of individuals that are most likely involved in human trafficking to describing how legalizing prostitution will increase trafficking and prosecution will not likely stop traffickers. Despite the political energies expended on human trafficking, there is little evidence that prosecutions have any significant impact on the aggregate levels of trafficking (Feingold, David). In 2010 an article by Tony Illia, and Tom Ichniowski claimed that Arizonas Immigration Law Troubles State Contractors. Arizonas newly enacted immigration law, which was meant to stem human trafficking and drug-related border violence, could have long-term consequences for the states flagging construction industry, in which employment is down 20% from a year ago (Illia, Tony, and Tom Ichniowski). The author went on to discuss the impact border violence as on innocent lives and how the new immigration law could affect the availability of labor. Just a week after Brewer signed the bill into law, five AK-47-toting, undocumented drug runners shot 53-year-old Pinal County Deputy Sheriff Louie Puroll during his routine patrol south of Casa Grande (Illia, Tony, and Tom Ichniowski). In an attempt to clarify the issue of trafficking, Senate Bill 1070 and the impact it as on the flagging construction industry in Arizona, the authors state that contractors are concerned about the availability of future labor. The potential fallout includes legal trouble (Illia, Tony, and Tom Ichniowski). Individuals who are targeted by traffickers are victims of a hideous crime. The supply in the market for human trafficking refers to labor provided by individuals trafficked for both labor and commercial exploitation (Wheaton et al). With this in mind, it seems entirely appropriate to consider the issue of human trafficking to be associated with worker migration. In order to put this into perspective, one should examine both the pressures exerted by social and economic policies in third world countries and the factors associated with the lure of wealthy countries and their demand for low skilled workers. Human traffickers participate in a monopolistically competitive market supplying a product in many forms. The price the trafficker will receive is based on availability of the desired product, characteristics of the product, the number of similar products available, and the negotiating acumen of the human trafficker (Wheaton et al). For many illegal immigrants the road to The American Dream usually leads form their home countries through Mexico and United States border. However, not all illegal immigrants are seeking a better life for themselves and their families. The act human trafficking also provides the opportunity for those wishing harm to the United States. Despite numerous international efforts to break up or stem the avenues used to traffic human, there are still a number of avenues available that potential terrorist can enter the United States undetected. Everyones talking about immigration and its not just Arizona. Although Arizonas Senate Bill 1070 drew attention this year for covering ground in how states tackle immigration, other states will take up the issue next year (Chavers, Mikel). Also of note, the author states that other states may seek to integrate measures that will help immigrants assimilate. Therefore, promote equal wages for all and prevent human trafficking. Although (Chavers, Mikel) address Arizonas new immigration bill, he failed to address what states like Missouri and Tennessee were going to with regards to immigration. Other scholarly articles reviewed concerning human-trafficking and the implications it as on national security focused relaxed laws but did not explain by these laws are not properly enforced. According to (Hepburn, Stephanie, and Rita Simon) the United States is one of the top ten destinations for trafficked people annually but gave no explanation about what factors contributed to this fact. Conclusion Despite increased attention to the problem of human trafficking into, and most recently within, the United States, knowledge and understanding of the issue remains fairly limited. Very little is known about the prevalence of trafficking and the number of victims; characteristics of the victims and perpetrators; the long-term impacts of human trafficking on victims, their families, and communities; the effectiveness of anti-trafficking programs; and best practices in meeting the complex needs of victims. More specifically, there is little literature on effective programs and services designed specifically for victims of human trafficking. There is a vast amount of research to be done. However, I would like to suggest the following topics in order to gain a better understanding of the problem with respect to host countries. Firstly, there should be more research on other types of human trafficking other than in the sex trade. In addition to data on the types of trafficking, the research should cover existing measures to combat those abuses and to offer support to trafficked persons. Finally, there needs to be research on victims needs at the various stages of their experience, how does trafficking affect their moral judgment and behavior, as well as on the means for combating human trafficking. Methodology and Research Strategy Introduction Human is a growing epidemic. It has been linked to money laundering, document forgery, drug trafficking and international terrorism. The issue of human trafficking is not discussed at the dinner table, on television and in magazines. Human trafficking is used exploit victims for prostitution, sweatshop labor, domestic work, and agricultural work. It is a crime against men, women, and children, who are usually poor and uneducated. They are usually promised a better life and increased economic opportunities; traffickers normally lure their victims into exploitative agreements. Human trafficking is a direct threat to the national security of the United States because money made from human trafficking is directly linked to the funding of terrorist activities. There are several causes for human trafficking, but the fundamental causes are the social and economic forces that function within a society. This leads to the question. What social and economic factors promote human trafficking and the implications on human trafficking on national security? Hypothesis There are numerous policies are in place that address human trafficking. But how is the public made aware of these policies, and how they are used remains questionable. Developed countries such as the United States have a much older population than that of the developing countries; this can lead to a shortage of younger workers who would tend to take up low skill jobs. The shortage of workers for low skill jobs suggests a potential demand for immigrant workers willing to take low skill jobs. Data and descriptive statistics The available data on trafficking is limited and unsatisfactory in many ways and I strongly encourage efforts to collect better data. To overcome some of the problems I used a mixed approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The method used is content analysis. In order to answer the proposed question two articles were examined, they are Hidden in Plain Sight: Human Trafficking in the United States, and Economics of Human Trafficking. Both articles were examined with the following independent and dependent variables in mind: Dependent Variable: Opportunity. Opportunity is the fostering of social, economic and political stability, and the reduction both of migration caused by poverty. Also there should be policies that would promote both economic development and social inclusion. Independent Variable 1: Poverty. By improving childrens access to educational and vocational opportunities and increasing the level of school attendance, enhancing job opportunities by facilitating business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises would decrease poverty. Independent Variable 2: Conflict Social Unrest. By promoting good governance and transparency in economic transactions and adopting or strengthening legislative, educational, social, and penal legislation. These factors would discourage the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation of persons that leads to trafficking. Findings and Analysis Introduction A content analysis of these publications shows that the root causes of human trafficking are the greed of criminals, economic pressures, political instability and transition, and social and cultural factors. Some traffickers are involved in other transnational crimes. Criminal groups choose human trafficking because it is high-profit and often low risk, and because human trafficking does not require large capital investment. Trafficking victims fall prey to this practice because they seek a better life and or enhanced economic opportunities. They are vulnerable to false promises of good jobs and higher wages. There are other factors such as political instability, civil unrest, internal armed conflict, and natural disasters result in an increase in trafficking. The destabilization and displacement of populations increase their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse through trafficking and forced labor. War and civil strife may lead to massive displacements of populations, leaving orphans and street children extremely vulnerable to trafficking. In some countries, social or cultural practices contribute to trafficking an example of this is the devaluation of women and girls. Some parents accept payment for their children, with the hope that the children will be escaping a situation of poverty and move to a place where there will be a better life and more opportunities. Risk Factors We know that poverty and vulnerability are powerful predictors of whether a person will be trafficked. We know that governmental corruption plays an important role as well. The lack of employment opportunity pushes the vulnerable across borders and into the chance being controlled by traffickers. Decreasing the incidence of human trafficking requires collaboration across professional fields to discover and handle limited agency (Schauer and Wheaton, 2006:164-165). In recognition of this problem the United Nations General Assembly has promulgated a Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (2000), which includes a specific protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children. One of the key aims of the Convention and the Protocol is to standardize terminology, laws, and practices (Schauer and Wheaton, 2006:164-165). Poverty, social unrest, government corruption, population pressure, and the perception of opportunity are determining factors of human trafficking. Many of these factors are related. If a country has a young population profile, there can be intense competition for employment and a concomitant lack of perceived opportunity. An individual or household can determine how much labor to provide based on compensation offered for the hours of labor (Schauer and Wheaton, 2006:164-165). Figure1. Framework for human trafficking Combating Human Trafficking Human trafficking prevention initiatives often involve poverty alleviation programs and awareness. This often times accomplished by establishing what the key drivers of human trafficking are. They may include household income or lack of understanding about trafficking and migration. Research also links poverty, lack of education, and limited understanding about the risk associated with human trafficking .The impact of programs aiming at preventing and or reducing human trafficking has been low and challenging to measure. Despite the attempts to educate those at risk, still, thousands are trafficked every year. It is more complicated in many than simply poverty and lack of knowledge. There is a clear need for the effective of poverty alleviation, awareness, and alternative livelihoods. While it is critical for the US to increase anti-trafficking efforts in regards to trafficking for the purpose of forced labor, trafficking for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation still remain s a concern (Hepburn, Stephanie, and Rita Simon). Despite the political efforts on human trafficking, there is little that prosecutions have any significant impact on the levels of human trafficking in the United States. Even with a well-trained law enforcement and judicial system few individuals were given T visa (Hepburn, Stephanie, and Rita Simon). There needs to be policies in place that support limiting immigration without increasing trafficking by forcing many desperate people to smugglers. If people can cross borders to pursue opportunity relatively freely, I would suggest that it is difficult for traffickers to trick or coerce people into being trafficked. It is important to remember that criminals are inventive and opportunistic. They operate in a context of extreme and violent competition. Their conditions of work are dynamic and liable to dramatic and abrupt change. For all these reasons criminals are good at adapting to new situations and new technologies. As new forms of communication, new methods of transportation and new ways of controlling and exploiting people emerge; traffickers will rapidly take them up and subvert them to criminal uses. The challenge to all who would address trafficking in persons is to be prepared for such adaptations, both through applicable law and creative enforcement, and through well-grounded, rigorous research. Many United States citizens are removed from the issue of human trafficking because they view it as an underground industry whose victims are primarily immigrants (Hepburn, Stephanie, and Rita Simon). Conclusion Human trafficking affects more the individual been trafficked. Resources such as jobs for legal migrant workers and public facilities may be used by the illegals, thus displacing resources for legal residents. Poverty is shown to be significant factor that contributes to human trafficking. Some of the most obvious strategies for slowing human trafficking are the following factors: Reduce governmental corruption. Population control measures, especially poverty reduction Increasing educational opportunities Tackling inequalities in wealth Promote subsistence and social guarantees. Conclusion The challenges associated with combating human trafficking and protecting victims are overwhelming. It requires multidimensional approach to address the issue of human trafficking. It should include not only legislative initiatives and crime prevention, but also job training, rights protection, and development initiatives. Effective strategies should be comprehensive and provide for collaboration among governments, and affected communities. Services provided through partnerships, and ongoing outreach and education will produce an effective response to the needs of victims. Working with different groups of trafficking victims represent an untapped wealth of practical knowledge and expertise on how to develop appropriate assistance and treatment programs that victims of human trafficking need.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Graduation Speech: Remain in Christ :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
It's been great attending County Christian School. Where else do students walk into school at 7:55 and receive a cup of hot chocolate and a cookie? Then, after third period, Mr. Obrastoff combs our hair and sings to us. It really has been a delightful place to go to school. In all seriousness, we have been blessed to go to this school. We have been looked after and protected. Now, we prepare for the real world. We will be facing new temptations and challenges. It's not like as soon as we walk out these doors after receiving our diploma there's going to be a line of rough-looking guys who are going to be saying, "Hey I'll give you ten million dollars if you go rob that bank," or "Hey, do you want to join the mafia?" It's not going to be like that. However, once we are out from the protection of our school and families, it will be between just God and us. Our society today will be encouraging infidelity, lying, and substance abuse. Self-centeredness will be the dominant viewpoint. For those of you who are going on to another Christian community, I challenge you to be the different ones. Christian groups too often say, "yeah, praise God," and then not always walk in His steps. They see Christianity as just obeying the big rules instead of a daily faith relationship with God. They might even ask you to do subtle things that break God's rules. Take that extra step and really be a leader. Be the one person that everyone can look up to and say that you have the love of Jesus in your heart. Show them that you are truly on fire for God. For those of you who are going on to a secular society, I challenge you to remain in Christ and try to find some Christian friends. You are going to be in a hostile environment. Most people won't believe the same things as you. People will not only be asking you to do little things that will break God's rules, but also things that seem big. You need to stand up for your beliefs and show them that you are different. This means you can't be afraid to say no, that's not right, but remember you can't resist temptations on your own, you need God working openly in your life. If you find a good group of Christians, it will also help you to have someone to hold you accountable and fellowship with.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Colonization of America Essay examples -- American History Colonial Ne
Colonization of America Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions have evolved into two new distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? When first English settlers began arriving in America in the 1700's they mainly settled in two regions - New England and the Chesapeake. Even though both groups of people were English by origin, they had developed two very different societies. Each group had it's own beliefs and expectations of what they will find in this new world, and the results of their settlement were very different as well. When the ship headed for Virginia left England in 1635, it was filled mostly with men in their twenties and thirties. The ship's name - "Merchant's Hope" very much explains the reason for which these people were heading to the New World. They were looking to find gold, silver and other riches there. Almost all of them had left their families in England to go forth with this opportunity for profit. These people did not think about permanently settling there, and very few of them had prepared for this trip as a whole. Over half of the people had died during the trip. Captain John Smith said "There was no talk†¦but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold†¦", (History of Virginia). This statement basically summarizes what was happening in Virginia after the ship had arrived. Even though there was no gold found, many people established such indus...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Democratic Implications of the Bible :: essays research papers
Democratic Implications of the Bible           In the form of government known as democracy, the power lies in the hands of the people. Be it to change the laws or the structure of the government, the decisions of the legislature are made by either the people or representatives that are elected by the people. Under most government systems, elections are used for people to express their views and beliefs. There is equality for all, including basic freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion. There has been a conflict of opinion among people for many years regarding the presence of democracy in the Bible. The Scriptural Tradition of both the Old and New Testament can be viewed as either democratic or non-democratic. Many instances are present throughout the texts that can point in either direction, depending on a person’s personal views and point of view. After reading select books of both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Testament, along with Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Kessmat’s â€Å"Col assians Remixed†, I could easily see how an argument could be made either way. After much deliberation with each of the two sides pulling me their way, I chose the democratic side.      The issue of democracy arises early in the Bible with Genesis, the first book in the Old Testament. The creation of the world was presented in Chapters 1 and 2 of the Genesis. In this creation, there was no hierarchy among the people, as none of them had to face oppression from a higher individual. In a democracy, all people are meant to be equals. Also similar to a democracy, the people had various freedoms, such as the freedom to develop creation and the freedom to disobey. The freedom is also displayed vividly in the broad mandate that is given to human by God. It is a cultural mandate where the people can create their own cultural institutions, from cities to agriculture to art.      An instance where some people consider inequality to arise is between man and woman. Eve was created out of Adam, which can be considered as man’s superiority over woman. â€Å"†¦and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made the woman and brought her to the man.†(Genesis chapter 2: 21-22) Despite Eve being created out of Adam’s ribs, I still do not view this as an inequality.
Monday, September 16, 2019
John Lockeâ€ÂS Social Contract Theory Essay
This paper analyzes the social contract theory of John Locke and how his values are consistent with the criminal justice system and private security settings of today. It will further discuss whether or not Locke’s’ values and principles apply to both criminal justice and private security venues. I will also summarize the major differences of the social contract theories; identify the key principles associated with Locke’s social contract theory; identify how these principles are inculcated in the U. S. Bill of Rights; identify how these principles play out in the criminal justice system and security settings of today and finally describe freedom in relationship to personal rights and ethical standards and obligations. To begin with, Locke’s theory is one in which he felt that man should have individual freedom and rights, which for all intense purposes equates to what democracy is in modern times. He believed in the concept of individual freedoms and government, also known as liberalism. He had a great respect for man’s moral judgment and thought that men were all â€Å"pleasant chaps†. Locke’s’ ideals were that of a capitalist mentality, and exercised perfect freedom in relation to fulfilling financial interests. He believed in an orderly society in which we should leave the state of affairs in every man’s hands within that orderly society. And last but certainly not least, he believed in separation of powers and in the system of checks and balances. How is liberalism in the criminal justice system today? We are very fortunate to live in a time where we can exercise our own individual thoughts. As I Iook at the criminal justice system of today, I believe that our right to have freedom of speech goes a long way in helping to make decisions based on who we should follow and what we feel is right and wrong. In order to see the major differences of the social contract theories, we must take a look at the major theories as a whole. Well to begin with, Hobbes believed in the absolute power of kings. He also believed in the â€Å"state of nature†which said that all individuals were naturally equal. He thought that they should do whatever they needed to do to survive. As a result, everyone suffered from continued fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man was solidary; poor; nasty; poor; brutish, and short. He believed that the government was a leviathan that would swallow up the people. His government was headed by the king and that king was better than a group. He warned against the church meddling in the king’s affairs and felt that the king was more powerful than God. He felt that the people should obey the king or choose to die. The other schools of thought came from what are called the enlightenment group which is comprised of Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu. They wanted to improve human conditions on earth. They generally valued natural rights as well as reason, religious tolerance, and science. We’ll begin with Locke. Locke agreed with Hobbs about the state of brutality and the natural law, but disagreed with other points. First, he felt that man by nature was a social animal. He believed that the natural right of an individual could never be taken away or even voluntarily given away. In the state of nature, men mostly kept their promises and honored their obligations, and though insecure, they were mostly peaceful, good, and pleasant. According to Locke, the natural rights of individuals limited the power of the king thus he did not have absolute power as Hobbes said, but acted only to enforce and protect the natural rights of the people. Although Locke spoke out for freedom of thought, speech and religion, he believed property to be the most important natural right. Rousseau felt that man was essentially good – â€Å"a noble savage†in the state of nature. This goes back to when there were mainly animals roaming around and the condition of man was uncivilized. Once societal standards came along, he felt that man became unhappy because society was artificial and corrupt. He felt that furthering society would be the cause of more unhappiness. He believed that the advancement of the arts and sciences did not benefit mankind. On the other hand, progress of knowledge made government more powerful and crushed individual liberty. He felt that the material progress had actually undermined the possibility of sincere friendship, replacing it with jealousy, fear and suspicion. He felt that we could secure freedom regardless of the will of the majority. In some respects he agreed with Locke, but he also felt that the community should be in charge. He was an idealistic thinker who derived the â€Å"We the People†in the constitution. He felt that religion divided and weakened the state. Montesquieu believed that all things were made up of rules and laws that never changed. He believed that there were three types of government: monarchy, ruled by a king, a republic, ruled by an elected leader and a despotism, ruled by a dictator. Of these, he believed that a government elected by the people was the best form of government. Along this line, he believed that the success of a democracy (a government in which the people have the power) depended upon maintaining the right balance of power. He further believed that all people were not equal and he approved of slavery. He felt that women were the weaker sex and should obey their husbands but also felt that women had the ability to function in government feeling that they had a calm gentleness that were helpful qualities in the decision making processes in government. Thomas Hobbes (1651), John Locke (1689), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762) are the most famous social contract thinkers. Each drew quite different conclusions about the nature of political authority. Hobbes advocated absolute monarchy, Locke advocated natural rights, and Rousseau advocated collective sovereignty in the name of the general will. The Lockean concept of the social contract was invoked in the United States Declaration of Independence, which clearly states, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed†¦. â€Å",. The key principles associated with Locke’s theory are that in their natural state humans are drawn to doing good over evil; that they naturally know right from wrong, and that naturally humans prefer peace over chaos. His views are justly stated as (1) that all men are created equal; (2) that our rights are given divinely by our creator; (3) that government exists to secure and protect those rights, and (4) government exists by the consent of the governed, namely you and I. These principles play out with relation to the criminal justice system and private security setting of today by attempting to maintain peace and justice over chaos, and by helping society to live in its natural state. It is also within our realm to be fair and just with our response to crimes. One such specification is that we should be swift, balanced and just in our reaction to crimes and criminal behavior. Along these lines, it is essentially important that, for example, we decide on an appropriate punishment for the exercise of a capital punishment such as murder and rape. Locke set forth the view that the state exists to preserve the natural rights of its citizens. When governments fail in that task, citizens have the right and sometimes the duty to withdraw their support and even to rebel. Locke’s social contract theory inculcated in The U. S. Bill of Rights by his argument that governments, by virtue of the ‘social contract,’ are responsible for protecting the natural rights (life, liberty, and ownership of property) of citizens and he was in favor of participation of the people in government affairs, and their input is clearly embedded in the Declaration of Independence of 1776. We know that the Bill of Rights stipulated freedom of speech and prohibited cruel and unusual punishment. And finally freedom in relationship to personal rights and ethical standards and obligations has to do with our long list of personal freedoms and the ability to carry them out. We have the right to speak, to go where and when we want; we can go to work; go to church, we have the right to worship a God of our choosing; and we have the right to pursue happiness as stated in the U. S. Constitution. References Wikipedia: Thomas Hobbs Wikipedia: John Locke Wikipedia: Charles Montesquieu Wikipedia: Jean-Jacques Rousseau www. billofrightsinstitute. org www. lampstandfoundation,org/criminaljusticeprinciples www. rjgeib. com/thoughts/montesqui.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Advanced Criminology
Anthropological research data has shown the violence is an inherent conduct among the primate species (Walker, 2001). In society, criminal violence is a common occurrence and legislators have suggested that the behavior of criminals be analyzed in order to identify any psychological patterns that are consistent among these particular types of individuals.In the past few decades, neurobiologists have proposed that an individual’s condition, which encompasses empathy, morality and free will, is holistically influenced by the frequency of stimulation and assembly of the neurons of an individual. Such notion is contradictory to the concept of Cartesian dualism, which states that the brain and the mind are two independent entities that coordinate with each other.To date, the accumulation of research reports from the field of neuroscience is gradually affecting the concepts and effectivity of the justice system because of the shifting in the concept of human behavior and res ponse to different stimuli. Neuroscience has influenced our current understanding of the multiple factors that govern violent behavior among criminals.NATURE VERSUS NURTURE THEORY OF CRIMEThe theory of nature versus nurture pertains to the controversy on whether inherent qualities of a biological organism, which is depicted as â€Å"nature†, is related or influenced by the experiences, condition or situation of that particular species (â€Å"nurture†). The concept the human being develop specific behavioral patterns based on their environment is termed tabula rasa or blank state.This notion is considered to be a major influence in the development of an individual. These external settings of an individual play a major role in the psychology of an individual, including his anti-social, aggression and criminal behavior.It has thus been questioned for several decades whether criminals are born or could these particular individuals emerge after successive events in their lives that result in the transformation of a normal individual to a criminal.To date, there is much debate over the mechanism behind the entire concept of criminality. Biologically or non-biologically influenced, criminality remains an elusive subject that still needs to be comprehensively analyzed.The 19th century classic report of Phineas Gage regarding the anti-social behavior that emerged after massive damage of the prefrontal cortex of his brain from a railroad accident is now considered as the birth of the field of forensic neurology (Harlow, 1848).Today, computerized imaging of his fractured skull has shown that the autonomic and social nerve systems are the specific damages that were affected, thus resulting in a totally different individual. Such observation, together with research results gathered from war veterans, has led to the conclusion that violent criminal behavior is caused by injuries to the frontal lobe of the brain. It has then been proposed that injury to the prefrontal cortex of the brain causes a condition that has been coined as acquired sociopathy or pseudopsychopath (Blair and Cipolotti, 2000). It is interesting to know that there is an 11% reduction in the size of the grey matter of the prefrontal cortex among patients diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder (APD) (Raine et al., 2000).A related observation has also been observed between intelligence and alterations in the grey matter of the prefrontal cortex.The temporal lobe of the brain has also been determined to influence an individual’s emotional response and aggression, wherein lesions in the amygdale of the temporal lobe result in an individual’s failure to recognize fear and sadness among the faces of other people (van Elst et al., 2001).The connection between the decreased expression of the monoamine oxidase A enzyme and reactive violence has already been established (Caspi et al., 2002).Monoamine oxidase A is responsible for t he catabolism of monoamines such as serotonin (5-HT). The working hypothesis currently accepted is that the prefrontal-amygdala connection is altered, resulting in a dysfunctional aggressive and violent behavior, resulting in criminality in particular individuals.Earnest A. Hooton (1887 – 1954) is a highly acclaimed physical anthropologist and evolutionist. Much of his work focused on interindividual variations based on physiological and anatomical characteristics, including measurements of buttock-knee lengths as the main basis for constructing seats for the Pennsylvania railway trains.Hooton was also recognized for his concepts in primatology and comparative anatomy as basis for explaining differences in the human as well as primate species.He was successful in describing a primary race, of which can be further subdivided in several racial subtypes. He is a proponent of the concept of eugenics, which involves genetic selection of traits that are deemed beneficia l to the current population.The field of eugenics has been an interest in the field of biology and medicine because it facilitates the creation of new haplotypes that may be positively selection in the course of evolution.Hooton’s work is also significant to our current scientific concept of crime because he persistently attempted to prove that criminal have biologically distinct characteristics from non-criminals.His anthropological work on physical differences based on a population of approximately 13,873 male prisoners from 10 different states across the United States. His results strengthened his claim on the biological causes of violence and aggression and that his claimed that criminal behavior is a simple representation of an inferior type of human species that has degenerated.Unfortunately, Hooton was inadequate in integrating the concept of population genetics into his research because he haphazardly took 3,023 men from the general population to conduct a compara tive analysis of physical differences. His measurement of foreheads, eyelids, ears, cheekbones, jaws, chins and shoulders resulted in a confusing supportive evidence for his claim.He explained in one of his published works that biology plays a major role in the development of individuals and society and that the environment is wrongly blamed for any failure that befalls an individual (Hooton, 1939).The research claim of Hooton had sparked more effort into determining the basis behind criminality. Other researchers from different fields of specialization ridicules Hooton’s work, describing it as the comical attempt in defining criminal behavior.The general reaction to Hooton’s claim that criminals are biologically inferior was condemned. Sociologists refused to accept the notion that physical unattractiveness is strongly correlated to criminal behavior.The advent of eugenics in combination with criminality has sparked interest in designed specialized techniq ues that may be applied to individuals that show physical and anatomical features that are consistently observed among criminals.An advocate of Hooton’s concept on the physical basis of criminality would assertively promote selective management of populations in order to eventually generate a prime standard of individuals in the next generation that is distinct from the features that Hooton described that are strongly correlated with criminality. An advocate of the biological connection of criminality would employ the concept of eugenics in screening individuals that show a potential to show criminal and anti-social behavior. To make things more complex, the features that Hooton described may also be used as criteria in admission to schools and workhouses.An extreme reaction would even results in construction of facilities that would enclose candidates or suspects for criminal behavior. A biological discrimination would thus be observed and this unfair basis of sc reening individuals would create more chaos in society.Eugenics may also be translated as a screening tool in picking which criminals will be kept in prison and which individuals will be freed and this action will be mainly based on the biological features of whether the criminal may be rehabilitated or transformed into a normal non-aggressive person.The so-called degenerate individuals would be kept off the streets in order to prevent interaction with non-degenerate individuals, as well as to prevent future crimes in the community. In addition, society would be introduced to the option of strictly selecting partners for marriage because they will be taught to pick partners that show obvious physical differences from the consensus physical features of criminals.THE GENERAL THEORY OF CRIMEThe self-control theory as proposed by Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) couples an argument regarding the driving force behind criminality and the features of a criminal act. Gottfredson and H irschi contend that crime is similar to other out of control and unlawful actions such as alcoholism and smoking because it generates in an individual a temporary yet immediate feeling of gratification.This kind of action is created by a condition that is characterized by low self-control. The authors claim that the condition of having poor self-control is an innate condition that is set in place during the early childhood at around 7 or 8 years of age. In relation to the mechanism behind criminality, the authors explain that crime is a straightforward action to results in gratification in an individual.Such perception of crime is associated with a number of implications to the general theory of crime. Firstly, the general theory of crime presents that crime is an uncomplicated action that does not need any strategic preparation or intricate knowledge.Secondly, the general theory of crime is related to a number of elements that are included in the theory of routine activ ities because just like other uncontrolled acts, crimes are not planned and it is easy for individuals with low self-esteem to be easily motivated to commit such acts.In addition, criminality is strongly influenced by external factors such as the scarcity of easy targets as well as the presence of associates that are capable of helping or even performing a criminal act.The theory of crime by Gottfredson and Hirschi regarding the early age of 7 or 8 also entails that the longitudinal analysis of crime is not necessary and that age-correlated theories of crime are confusing.The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi also considers the fundamental argument regarding age and the unlawful act. It is actually different from what is presented at general courses in criminology regarding the analysis of age-crime correlations and social factors that are related to crime.A distinction of the general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi is that the age-crime linkage is ve ry different through time, location and culture that the age-crime correlation is irrelevant of any social explanation. Their general theory of crime also describes that criminals continue to perform unlawful acts of crime even during marriage and eventually end up as unmarried criminals.The same thing goes with offenders who are currently employedâ€â€these individuals generally continue on as offenders and the only difference after some time is that they lose their jobs.The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi thus presents an argument against the connection of crime with marriage and employment thus showing that a criminal is incompetent in maintaining a relationship in a marriage or a commitment to work because he is commonly known as person of very low command of his control.Their presentation of the force behind criminality is thus focused on self-control and the authors point out that most investigations regarding criminality do not include this concept.à ‚ The authors explain that most of the concepts on crime describe the possible notions of the criminal. Gottfredson and Hirschi thus provide a revolutionary concept of crime that describes that the nature of crime is actually simple because it easily connects the concept of individuals and their immediate environment.They proposed that most crimes are easily performed because there is no need for complex preparations. In addition, a criminal act does not actually impart a lot of deleterious consequences. They describe that crimes usually happen late at night or very early in the morning to any individual. There is also no requirement for training or skills to perform a criminal act.The authors also explain the concept that crime does not pay because most criminal acts result in small to negligible benefits. In the cases that do provide any benefits, the criminals tend to fail with the criminal act or they are highly exposed thus resulting in a lot of risks such as being caught and eventually put in jail.The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi also present the conditions that make a situation conducive to crime. They describe that routine activities play an important factor for a crime to happen because these provide the predictability of the movements and activities of the target individual.Criminals often study how their target victim goes around, comes home or leaves the house. If the target individual has a routine schedule that is very predictable, the criminal will have a very easy way to know  the best time for him to invade the house of the target victim.The same factors also influence other criminal acts such as rape, wherein the target female victim may probably pass through the same route late at night and the criminal may pick a day at that particular time when not so much people at around and he can attack his victim at the particular time when the female victim is walking along the street late at night. These settings of predictability of routine activities are actually very beneficial to the criminal and this outweighs the risks of performing the criminal act.Other theories of crime that do not consider these features of crime generally analyze other factors that are not consistent with the empirical information about crime (Walker, 2001). The other theories actually claim the each crime has a different force that pushes the criminal to perform such unlawful act.In addition, other theories state that substantial knowledge and training are needed in order for a criminal to successfully perform a crime. The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi thus provides a simple yet comprehensible explanation of the force behind criminality.SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF CRIMEThere are several sociological theories in the field of criminology. The Social Control Theory explains that the utilization of the socialization procedure and social learning results in self- control and decreases the chances that an individual will succumb to an anti-social type of behavior.This theory was strongly addressed by Travis Hirschi and it follows the Positivist, Neo-Classical and Right Realism schools of thought (Akers, 2000). This theory resulted from the Functionalist concepts of crime and suggests that there are four modes of control.The first mode of control is direct, which pertains to imminent punishment based on unlawful action.  This mode of control is also associated with rewards in the case the compliance of the individual is observed.The second mode of control is indirect, which pertains to desistance in performing unlawful acts due to his conscience. Another mode of control is internal, which is related to self-identification of delinquency and its associated pain and disappointment to the people around the individual.A fourth type of control is satisfaction, wherein an individual will not perform an evil act if he is content with his c urrent conditions. Hence the Social Control Theory suggests that individuals will not perform any criminal act if their relationships, value and beliefs are intact.The Strain Theory of criminology explains that the society and its related levels and sublevels persuade individuals to perform criminal acts (Agnew, 1992). This theory was proposed by Emile Durkheim and was further supported by Merton, Cohen and Messner and Rosenfeld. It has been determined that strain may be of two levels.Structural strain pertains to the processes in society that influence an individual’s perception of his needs. On the other hand, individual strain pertains to the hostility and suffering that an individual experiences during his search for things that will make him happy. Hence the strain theories present the connection between structural and functional bases for criminal actions.The structural basis for criminality explains the processes behind actions, as well as finding a n event with a bigger concept of sites, distances and associations. The functional basis for criminality explains how independent sections fit and result as a bigger system. Hence all systems are influenced by sections that cooperate with each other and that any impediment that occurs in a particular section will result in a failure of the entire system.This means that either a replacement or a repair should be performed in order to make a system functional again.
Maple Leaf Foods
Maple Leaf Foods – Communication Strategy Analysis Post Crisis Introduction to Maple Leaf Foods: Maple Leaf Foods Inc. is a prominent food processing company headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Foods holds its motto as commitment to food safety, stating that its meat processing facilities are federally inspected and meet the highest standard for food safety. Its major business is processed pork and includes brands such as Squirrel peanut butter and Black Diamond cheese. In the year 2008, its employee base was 24000 and recorded sales of $5. 2billion. Details of Product Crisis: In 2008, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Public Health Agency of Canada identified a strain of L. monocytogenes (listeria) in MapleLeaf Foods products. Consumption of food contaminated with Listeria causes a rare illness known as Listeriosis, the symptoms of which include fever, muscle aches and sometimes nausea and diarrhea. In the more severe form, symptoms also include collapse and shock. Causes: Bacteria were traced to the slicing equipment at Maple Leaf’s Bartor Road plant in Toronto. The regular sanitization had not cleaned the equipment properly allowing the bacteria to grow to high levels of concentration that cause illness. The bacteria ended up in deli meats, which were largely distributed to nursing homes and hospitals. Impact: The Listeria case impacted Maple Leaf Foods in the following ways: * Societal Impacts will include public cost, medical cost, low productivity, foregone income, psychological impact, etc * Firm-level Impacts will include product recall, clean-up, reputation, tarnished brand image and fall in share price * Industry-level Impacts will include loss of consumer confidence, fall in demand, loss of export access and damage to product to product category Post-crisis communication strategy: The communication strategy was adopted as per Seymour and Moore’s 5Cs of communication framework, as explained below: * Care: Company’s senior management was completely approachable during the crisis. Unconditional apology and unequivocal responsibility was offered by president- Michael McCain. The company released backgrounders, fact sheets and FAQ documents demonstrating care for its key stakeholders. It also released an apology video, empathizing with the affected customers. * Commitment: Displayed commitment by initiating a widespread recall and well-publicized sanitations of affected plant. Communicated details about the bacteria, post-contact information both online and through traditional media sources. The company assembled a consortium of industry leading food safety experts to advice on operational enhancements. * Consistency and Coherence: All messages were consistent assuring food safety and the well-being of its consumers. The company launched an external company blog to maintain a direct and candid conversation with interested Canadians. McCain proved to be an ideal spokesperson who clearly explained the company’s position as well as the actions the company enacted to remedy the situation. Clarity: Came up with the following innovative media campaign:-â€Å"Passionate people, passionate about food†to restore their image. They repositioned themselves as the experts on Listeria and global leader in food safety. They also launched a national Listeria education and outreach program exploring the issues related to this illness. Conclusion: The company ’s 5 C communication framework helped recover consumer confidence. The post-crisis communication was open, effective and credible. Therefore effective communication plays a pivotal role in regaining consumer confidence.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Distortions Through Deception In Macbeth Essay
In William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the three witches destroy lives by their acts of deceit to create corruption, violence and an upset in the balance of good and evil. To be deceived implies a deliberate misrepresentation of facts through the words or actions, which is used by one to increase power. While caught in a viscous, power hungry cycle, it is hard to distinguish between what is ethical and moral as reality becomes distorted. It is this distortion and the negative repercussions that cause devastation, which has resulted from deceptions. These deceptions have ruined the lives of many, who were to caught up in a struggle for power and unable to realize their own shattered lives. Firstly, acts of deception, which created corruption, violence and a disturbance in good and evil, are illustrated through the life, which Macbeth led. The witches, through their prophecies, deceived Macbeth. These prophecies lead Macbeth to corruption, and through distortion of reality, felt murder was the only way to gain power. Macbeth murdered Duncan, in order to satisfy this hungry urge for control. Yet, instead of feeling remorse and repenting, he began to plan the murders of others, in order to protect his own guilt. Before Macbeth met the witches, he knew how morally wrong murder was. Through his own distorted perception and corruption, murder became a necessity for survival. Soon others saw Macbeth’s corrupt nature, and thus the rebellion against Macbeth resulted from his hastily built empire. Macbeth used violent actions for what he what he could not be achieve with integrity. Since Macbeth could not stay king without doing a dishonest act, he had Banquo violently slain by someone else, â€Å"Safe in a ditch he bides, /With twenty trenched gashes on his head, /The least a death to nature.†(Shakespeare 3.4.26-28). Although, Macbeth did not carry out these actions, it was his bloody directions that were followed. Violence is another example of how power hungry Macbeth was, by using violence; he had no ethics or morals and could not be admired. Macbeth used violent actions to gain his power, violent actions to stay in power, and regrettably, violent actions were what severed him form his power. Macbeth used violence to destroy the lives of others, and violence ultimately destroyed his. Macbeth was once a person who appeared to have a good grasp on good and evil and was able to distinguish between them. However, Macbeth was quickly confused when he first had the taste of power, once he had tasted the sweet victory, he would do anything not to lose his grasp. It was then, that the aspect of good and evil was forever altered in Macbeth’s eyes, good was quickly associated with power and strength and evil with limitations and vulnerability. Of course, Macbeth wanted to be powerful, he associated everything with it, respect, admiration and recognition. Unfortunately for Macbeth, no matter how powerful he became, he craved more. The only way he felt he could gain power was to kill, and killing is in truth evilness on it’s own. Consequently, Macbeth mistook good for evil and this added to his untimely downfall in the public eye. Macbeth’s hunger for an insatiable power was the act of deception used in order to promote his corruption, violence and disturbances in his morals. Secondly, Lady Macbeth used acts of deception in a more devious manner. She toyed with others emotions, not caring about the consequences as long as she ended up on top. She demonstrated deception through corruption, violence and the balance of good and evil. Thus, Lady Macbeth was along side her husband, also quite power hungry. She craved it, and would do and use any means possible to get it, manipulation, deceit, and even murder. Although lady Macbeth never physically killed anyone, she did play a large part in the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth is solely to blame for being corrupted. She did it all to herself. She began herself corruption by pleading to the spirits, â€Å"Come you spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/ Of direst cruelty; make my blood thick/ Stop up the access and passage to remorse, / That no compunctious visitings of nature† ¦And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell†(Shakespeare, 1.6.39-50). By having herself corrupted, she was able to corrupt her husband. She fed his innocent mind full of unkindly thoughts of murder, she convinced him that he will not be suspected, â€Å"Who dares receive it other, / As we shall make our grief’s and clamour roar/Upon his death?†(Shakespeare 1.7.77-78) As a result, this begins the corruption of her spouse. By having her husband believe that power brings happiness, he does exactly as she says. Violence, defined as a powerful force or energy, is the second force Lady Macbeth uses to unknowingly destroy her husbands life and her own. She uses such power in the sense of how perfectly her plan to murder Duncan was carried out with precision. All of the strength she possessed was in the execution of this plan. She was drained emotionally of all her strengths, this let to the quick demise of her mentality. Lady Macbeth never really appeared to have a good grasp on the difference between good and evil. Neither mattered until she received what she wanted. She was spoiled by the evil of her ambitions for her husband to become king. Lady Macbeth wanted nothing more than the power her husband could control and used evil acts to get it. However, once she had the power, the imbalance of good and evil had been tampered with too much and her actions could not be reversed. Since lady Macbeth did not understand the difference between good and evil, her soul was never set free, her suicide is proof of this. Lady Macbeth became lost in her own guilty conscience, something she thought she had long since disposed of. Thirdly, the witches were perhaps the most deceitful characters presented in Macbeth. They used their powers for their own twisted pleasure and easily toyed with certain characters innocence. Initially and by far the largest character in which they corrupted was Macbeth. He was an easy target for the witches; he secretly dreamed of power and only attempted to be modest around others. The witches noticed this and fooled around with his boyish self-esteem. The three told him great prophecies of the future that Macbeth could only dream about. The three knew Macbeth was coming â€Å"A drum! A drum! /Macbeth doth come.†(Shakespeare 1.3.30-31) Secondly, the witches use violent actions to their advantage. They torture humans in their sleep, haunting them, â€Å"Sleep shall neither night nor day/ Hang upon his pent-house lid; / He shall live a man forbid. /Weary sev’n nights nine times nine,†(Shakespeare 1.3.19-22). The witches torture the innocent in their sleep. They tortured a sailor, and they quite possibly could have tortured Lady Macbeth as she slept, although she was not innocent. This could be the ultimate cause for her sleepwalking. Finally, the witches used good intentions on innocent people and use evil prophecies of the future to make others power hungry and desire the evil nature. After one visit from the witches, Macbeth had to know more, he yearned for more information, which was the witches’ objective all along. When Macbeth came back to visit them, they gave him miniscule pieces of information that lead him to believe he had nothing to worry about. While in fact had a great deal to worry about. The witches’ prophecies made him feel invulnerable and were what killed him in the end. The witches had perhaps the largest part in Macbeth, it was their evil prophecies of power that destroyed a vast variety of lives who unfortunately got involved. As clearly illustrated in the lives of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the three witches, deception and the consequences are undoubtedly portrayed as having detrimental effects in their lives. The corruption, violent tendencies and unethical choices are a few of the consequences of the deception, which was created, to devastate. In conclusion, Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, is an excellent portrait of today’s society, as it depicts effects of the insatiable, unrealistic and deceived society, which corrupts, hurts and promotes decisions that leads to the untimely waste of many lives.
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